
Imports attribute values into Account Reconciliation Reconciliation Compliance list or group attributes.

Applies to

Account Reconciliation

Required Roles

Service Administrator, Power User

Power Users may require additional security provided through ACLs.


  • ATTRIBUTE_NAME is the name of a list or group attribute into which the values are to be imported.
  • FILE_NAME is a CSV import file from which the values are to be imported. Use the uploadFile command to upload this file to the environment before running this command.
  • METHOD, optionally, is how the values are to be imported. Valid values:
    • Replace to add all values from the import file as the attribute value in Reconciliation Compliance. Existing attribute values will be replaced with those in the import file; values not existing in the attribute, but are present in the import file, will be added. Values existing in the attribute that are not in the import file will not be changed. Note that all attribute data for a particular key value will be replaced with the contents from the file or cleared. New values will be added at the bottom in the order they appear in the file.

      This type of import is most useful when you are only moving the latest changes from a source system, for example, when adding new store data from an acquisition to replace only specified attribute values, if present, with the values in the import file. This is the default.

    • Replace All to replace the existing attribute value with the values from the import. Values existing in the attribute, but are not present in the import file, will be deleted.

      This import type is most useful for mirroring values from a source system with a full update, for example, to complete weekly updates to synchronize with store data from the source system.

    • Update to replace or add all the values in the import file to the attribute. The existing attribute values will be replaced with those in the import file. Values that are in the import file, but are not present in the attribute, will be added. Values that exist in the attribute, but are not present in the import file, will not be changed. Only the attribute data for a particular key value will be replaced with the contents from the file; data for attributes not available in the file will not be touched. Any key present in the import file, but not in the attribute, will cause an error.

      This type of import is most useful for updating a few attributes across all attribute values, for example, while updating the store managers after a reorganization without affecting the rest of the store data.

  • Dateformat, optionally, specifies the valid date formats (for example, DD/MM/YYYY, DD-MMM-YYYY (default), MMM d,yyyy, and All) to parse. You may specify multiple date format values separated using a semicolon.


epmautomate importRCAttributeValues Stores StoreData.csv METHOD=Replace DATEFORMAT="All"