
Imports reconciliations attributes into existing reconciliations from a file that a Service Administrator uploaded to the Account Reconciliation environment using the uploadFile command.

Applies To

Account Reconciliation

Required Roles

  • Service Administrator
  • Power User
  • User
  • Viewer
Users with Power User, User, and Viewer predefined roles may require additional application roles.


epmautomate importReconciliationAttributes FILE.CSV Period [Rules=RULE_NAME] [Reopen=true|false] [Dateformat=DATE_FORMAT] where:

  • FILE is the name of the CSV file that contains the reconciliation attributes that you want to import into reconciliations.
  • Period identifies the period to which the reconciliations belong.
  • Rules, optionally, identifies the rules that are to be run on affected reconciliations after importing attributes. Use comma to separate multiple rule names. Valid values are:
    • None: Runs no rules on affected reconciliations. This is the default value; it must not be combined with other values.
    • ALL: Runs all rules defined for the reconciliations for the specified period. This value must be used by itself; it cannot be combined with other rule names.
    • SET_ATTR_VAL: Runs the predefined rule to set attribute value.
    • CRT_ALT: Runs the predefined rule to create alert.
    • AUTO_APP: Runs the predefined rule to automatically approve the reconciliation.
    • AUTO_SUB: Runs the predefined rule to automatically submit the reconciliation.
    • EMAIL_ON_SAVE: Runs the predefined rule to automatically send email after updating the reconciliation.
  • Reopen, optionally, specifies whether to reopen changed reconciliations upon completion of the import operation. Default is false.
  • Dateformat, optionally, specifies the valid date formats (for example, MM-dd-yyyy, dd-MMMM-yy, MMM d, and yyyy to parse. You may specify multiple date format values separated using a semicolon.


  • Importing attribute values for a period and running multiple rules with many date formats:

    epmAutomate importReconciliationAttributes Reconciliations.csv "July 2020" Rules=SET_ATTR_VAL,CRT_ALT,AUTO_APP,AUTO_SUB" Reopen=true "Dateformat=MM-dd-yyyy;dd-MMM-yy;MMM d, yyyy"

  • Importing attribute values for a period without running rules:

    epmAutomate importReconciliationAttributes Reconciliations.csv "July 2020"

  • Importing attribute values for a period, running all applicable rules and reopening affected reconciliations:

    epmAutomate importReconciliationAttributes Reconciliations.csv "July 2020" Rules=ALL Reopen=true