
Loads dimension metadata from one or more files in profitinbox into an application.

Use the uploadFile command to load metadata files into profitinbox.

Applies to

Profitability and Cost Management

Required Roles

Service Administrator, Power User


epmautomate loadDimData APPLICATION_NAME dataFileName=File_Name [stringDelimiter="DELIMITER"] [acceptableDecreasePercentage=PERCENTAGE] where:
  • APPLICATION_NAME is the name of the Profitability and Cost Management application into which you want to load dimension metadata
  • dataFileName specifies a dimension metadata load file available in profitinbox. To load metadata from multiple files, list the file names separated by a delimiter
  • stringDelimiter, optionally, specifies the delimiter used to separate metadata file names. Delimiter must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
  • acceptableDecreasePercentage, optionally, specifies the percentage (without the % symbol) difference in member count that will be acceptable for the operation. If the new member count from the incoming file is less than the existing member count, this value represents the percentage decrease that is acceptable. The loading of dimension data fails if the deviation of member count exceeds this percentage.


epmautomate loadDimData BksML12 dataFileName="dimdata1.txt#dimdata1.txt" stringDelimiter="#" acceptableDecreasePercentage=5