
Before running EPM Automate, ensure that you can access your environment from the computer from which you are running EPM Automate.

EPM Automate creates a .prefs file, which contains user information, and log files in the current directory. On Windows computers, the contents of .prefs file is visible only to the user who created it and to Windows administrators. In Linux, UNIX and macOSX environments, .prefs file is generated with permission 600, which allows only the owner to read and write to this file.

EPM Automate displays FileNotFoundException: .prefs (Access is denied) error in Windows environments if you do not have write permission in the Windows directory from which you execute EPM Automate. To resolve this error, ensure that the Windows account of the current user has Read/Write access to the directory from which EPM Automate is run. Additionally, this user must have appropriate access to any other directory from which a file is accessed (for example, while running the uploadFile command) or written (for example, while running the downloadFile command).


You cannot run EPM Automate from a folder that contains & in its name; for example, C:\Oracle\A&B.

To run EPM Automate on a Windows client:

  1. Click Start, then All Programs, then EPM Automate, and then Launch EPM Automate. The EPM Automate command prompt is displayed.
  2. Optional: Navigate to the directory from which you want to perform operations using EPM Automate.
  3. Optional: Generate a password encryption file. You use the password encryption file to pass encrypted password to initiate a session.
    epmautomate encrypt P@ssword1 myKey C:/mySecuredir/password.epw
  4. Start a session as a Service Administrator. Use a command such as the following:
    • Using an unencrypted password:

      epmautomate login serviceAdmin P@ssword1
    • Using an encrypted password:

      epmautomate login serviceAdmin C:\mySecuredir\password.epw
  5. Enter commands to execute the tasks you want to complete.

    See Exit Codes for information on command execution status.

  6. Sign out of the environment. Use the following command:
    epmautomate logout