Using OpenJDK

You may use OpenJDK version 14 or higher instead of JRE on Linux, Unix, and macOS X platforms.

OpenJDK, Oracle's free, GPL-licensed, production-ready JDK, can be downloaded from Instructions to install OpenJDK are also available on this web site.

Before starting an EPM Automate session, set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to your OpenJDK installation:

macOS X example (Bash shell assumed) to use OpenJDK version 14 installed in your home directory.

cd ~/
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/jdk-14.jdk/Contents/Home)

Linux example (Bash shell assumed) to use OpenJDK version 14 installed in your home directory

cd ~/
export JAVA_HOME=/openjdk/jdk-14.0.2