Deleting an EPM Cloud Instance

Deleting the instance removes both the current test and production environments. Any data in these environments will also be deleted. This process also invalidates the URLs of the current environments. Be sure to back up required data and snapshots before deleting your instance.

Because the test and production environments of a subscription are created as a pair, the option to delete the subscription is available only from the production instance.

After you delete an Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud instance, your quota becomes unavailable for a period of five to eight hours. You can recreate the EPM Cloud instance with the desired new name when the quota becomes available again.

To delete an EPM Cloud instance:

  1. Access My Services (OCI). See Accessing My Services (OCI).
  2. In the Oracle Cloud Identity Console, under Service Environments, click the Action Menu next to the production environment listing.
    Subscription Environment List

  3. Select Delete.
  4. Click Delete in the confirmation dialog box.