Using Prepackaged On-premises Adapters

Direct connectivity from the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud to on-premises data sources is available using prepackaged on-premises adapters. These adapters enable you to import data from:

  • EBS GL Balances
  • Peoplesoft GL Balances


For detailed information on the preseeded EBS GL Balances query, see E-Business Suite General Ledger GL Preseeded Query Reference.

For detailed information on the prseeded Peoplesoft GL Balances query, see Peoplesoft General Ledger Preseeded Query Reference.

To load data using a prepackaged on-premises adapter:

  1. From the Data Integration home page, and then Actions, select Applications.

  2. On the Applications page, click Image shows the Add icon..

  3. From the Create Application page, and then Category, select Data Source.

    The application name for the prepackaged adapter populates the Application Name.

  4. From Type, select either EBS GL Balance or Peoplesoft GL Balance.

    Image shows the Create Application page.

  5. In Prefix, specify a prefix to make the application name unique.

    The prefix is concatenated with the application name to form a unique application name. For example, if you want to name an application with the same name as an existing one, you can assign your initials as the prefix.
  6. Click OK and then click Save.

  7. On the Application page, click Image shows the Select icon..

  8. On the Application Details page, click the Options tab.

  9. In Delimiter, select the type of delimiter used in the file.

    Available delimiter symbols:

    • Comma (,)

    • Exclamation (!)

    • Semicolon (;)

    • Colon (:)

    • Vertical bar (|)

  10. In Credential Store, specify the type of credential store used by the EPM Integration Agent.

    Available types of credential stores:

    • Cloud
    • File

    For the Cloud credential store type, you store the user name/password/connect string in the application.

    For the File credential store type, create a file in the on-premises environment to store the JDBC URL, user name, and password. The file name must be named appname.cred and stored in the config directory.

    The file must contain the following lines:



    The password used for both credential store types, must be encrypted.

    When the type is a "Cloud" store, type the password in the user interface in the usual way. The system encrypts and stores the password.

    When the type is a "File" store, you must encrypt the password using the encryptpassword utility and store the password in the file. For more information about encrypting your password, see Encrypting the EPM Cloud User Password.

  11. Peoplesoft only: In JDBC Driver, select the type of JDBC driver to use when connecting to the Database Management System (DBMS).

    Available types of JDBC drivers include the following:

    • Microsoft SQL Server
    • Oracle

    A JDBC driver is software that enables Java application to communicate with a database. The JDBC driver communicates the connection information to the database and sends the protocol used for transferring the query and result between the client and the database.

  12. In JDBC URL, specify the JDBC driver URL connection string.

    The JDBC Driver URL connection string enables you to connect to a relational database using Java.

    For an Oracle Thin JDBC driver, the JDBC driver URL includes:



    For SQL Server, the JDBC driver URL includes:


  13. In Username, specify the on-premises database user name.

  14. In Password, specify the on-premises database password.

  15. In Fetch Size, specify the number of rows fetched (that the driver processes) with each database round trip for a query.

    Image shows the Application Details page.

  16. Click Save.