Configuring a SSL Connection to an Oracle Database

The EPM Integration Agent supports an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connection to an Oracle database. The SSL protocol provides network-level authentication, data encryption, and data integrity.

To use a SSL connection to an Oracle database, you need to set the JDBC URL in Application options and define custom JAVA properties in the EPM Agent INI file.


A SSL connection is supported only for an Oracle Database.

To set the JDBC URL in Applications:

  1. From the Data Integration home page, and then Actions, select Applications.

  2. On the Application, click Image shows the Select icon. next to the Oracle database data source application and then select Application Details.

  3. On the Application Details page, click the Options tab.

  4. In JDBC URL, specify the JDBC driver URL connection string format for the SSL connection to the Oracle database.

    For an Oracle Thin JDBC driver, the JDBC driver URL for a service is connected to an Oracle database using this format:

    jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCPS)(HOST=<hostname>)(PORT=<portnumber>))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVICE_NAME=<servicename>)))

    The JDBC driver URL for a SID (security identifier) is connected to an Oracle database using this format:

    jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCPS)(HOST=<hostname>)(PORT=<portnumber>))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID=<sid>)))
  5. Click Save.

To set the custom Java option:

  1. Go to the C:\EPMAgentData\config directory.

  2. Double click the agentparams.ini file and open it using a text editor such as Notepad.

  3. In the CUSTOM_JAVA_OPTIONS= field, specify the following:

    Djdbc.keyStore=<keystore jks file location> -Djdbc.keyStorePassword=<encrypted key store password> -Djdbc.keyStoreType=JKS -Djdbc.trustStore=<trust store jks file location> -Djdbc.trustStorePassword=<encrypted trust store password> -Djdbc.trustStoreType=JKS


    Passwords must be encrypted using the encryptpassword utility in the agent. For more information, see Encrypting the EPM Cloud User Password.

  4. Save the agentparams.ini file.