Running the EPM Integration Agent as a Windows Service

The EPM Integration Agent can be installed as a Windows service, enabling you to run the agent in its own Windows session. This service can be started automatically when the computer boots, can be paused and restarted, and does not show any user interface. On Linux computers, the EPM Integration Agent is started as a background process.

Note the following:

  • When installed, you can start and stop the service as a Windows service from the Windows services console.

  • Multiple agent services with a different service name, agent name and port can be created and run simultaneously.

  • During execution the service logs are present in the agents EPM_APP_DATA_HOME\logs folder with the name <serviceName>_<agent_name>_Service_<date>.log. This log contains all the console output of the agent.

  • To display help, use the option EPMAgentService.exe -help or double click EPMAgentService.exe in Windows Explorer.

  • Always check the log file after starting the service.

  • The agent name has to be specified in the params.ini file. It cannot be passed as a parameter in the Install command.

To install the agent as a Windows service, run the EPMAgentService.exe installer present in the bin folder by issuing the following command from a command prompt:

EPMAgentService.exe -install service_name path_to_agent_startup_parameter_file

  • service_name: Specify the unique name of the Window service for the agent. Letters and numbers are permitted. Spaces and special characters are not permitted.

  • path_to_agent_startup_parameter_file: Specify the full path of the directory where the agentparams.ini file used during startup is located.

For example, you might specify: C:\EPMAgentData\config\agentparams.ini

To uninstall the agent as a Windows service, run the following command from a command prompt:

EPMAgentService.exe -uninstall service_name