Integrating BAI, SWIFT MT940, and CAMT.053 Format Bank File Transactions

When loading bank file data, you create a data source associated with the bank file source system. Data Integration converts the BAI, SWIFT MT940, or CAMT.053 file formats to CSV format for loading into Transaction Matching. The CSV load file can be viewed in the Transaction Matching Jobs results.

The source application for BAI Format Bank File Transactions has the following pre-defined constant columns and headers:

  • Account
  • Amount
  • Transaction Type
  • Currency
  • Transaction Date
  • Bank Reference
  • Customer Reference
  • Bank Text

The source application for a Swift MT940 Format Bank File Transactions has the following pre-defined constant fields:

Table 17-3 Swift MT940 Fields and Descriptions

Field Description
Transaction Reference Number  
StatementIdentification Unique identification to unambiguously identify the account statement.
CreateDate Date on which the statement was created.
StatementFromDate Date on which the period starts, for which the account statement is issued.
StatementToDate Date on which the period ends, for which the account statement is issued.
Account Account Unambiguous identification of the account to which credit and debit entries are made.
Amount Amount of money in the cash entry.
Currency Currency code of the currency in which the cash entry was made.
Closing Balance  
Transaction Date  
Transaction Type  
Statement Date  
Statement Number  
Customer Reference  
Bank Reference  
Bank Text  
Additional Info1  
Additional Info2  
Additional Info3  

The source application for CAMT.053 Format Bank File Transactions file has the following pre-defined constant columns and headers:

Table 17-4 CAMT.053 Format Bank Transaction Field Descriptions

Field Description (based on ISO definitions) CAMT.053 TAG
StatementIdentification Unique identification to unambiguously identify the account statement. <Stmt> <Id>
CreateDate Date at which the statement was created. <Stmt> <CreDtTm>
StatementFromDate Date at which the period starts, for which the account statement is issued. <Stmt> <FrToDt> <FrDtTm>
StatementToDate Date which the period ends, for which the account statement is issued. <Stmt> <FrToDt> <ToDtTm>
Account Unambiguous identification of the account to which credit and debit entries are made. <Stmt> <Acct> <Id> <Othr> <Id> or <Stmt> <Acct> <Id> <IBAN>
AccountOwner Party that legally owns the account <Stmt> <Acct> <Ownr>
Amount Amount of money in the cash entry. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <Amt Ccy="ISO Currency Code"> or <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <Amt Ccy="ISO Currency Code">
Currency Currency code of the currency in which the cash entry was made. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <Amt Ccy="ISO Currency Code"> or <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <Amt Ccy="ISO Currency Code">
CdtDbtInd Credit Debit Indicator <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <CdtDbtInd> or <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <CdtDbtInd>
BookingDate Date and time when an entry is posted to an account on the account servicer's books. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <BookgDt> <Dt>
ValueDate Date and time at which assets become available to the account owner in case of a credit entry, or cease to be available to the account owner in case of a debit entry. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <ValDt> <Dt>
EntryRef Unique reference for the entry <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryRef>
AccountServicerReference Unique reference as assigned by the account servicing institution to unambiguously identify the entry <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <AcctSvcrRef> or <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <Refs> <AcctSvcrRef>
DomainCode Part of Bank Transaction Code. It specifies the business area of the underlying transaction. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <BkTxCd> <Domn> <Cd> or <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <BkTxCd> <Domn> <Cd>
FamilyCode Specifies the family within a domain. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <BkTxCd> <Domn> <Fmly> <Cd> or <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <BkTxCd> <Domn> <Fmly> <Cd>
SubFamilyCode Specifies the sub-product family within a specific family. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <BkTxCd> <Domn> <Fmly> <SubFmlyCd> or <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <BkTxCd> <Domn> <Fmly> <SubFmlyCd>
Proprietary Bank transaction code in a proprietary form, as defined by the issuer. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <BkTxCd> <Prtry> <cd> or <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <BkTxCd> <Prtry> <cd>
ReversalIndicator Indicates whether or not the entry is the result of a reversal. This element should only be present if the entry is the result of a reversal. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <RvslInd>
BankTransactionIdentification Unique identification that can be used for reconciliation, tracking or to link tasks relating to the transaction on the interbank level. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <Refs> <TxId>
EndToEndIdentification Unique identification, as assigned by the initiating party, to unambiguously identify the transaction. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <Refs> <EndToEndId>
ChequeNumber Unique and unambiguous identifier for a cheque as assigned by the agent. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <Refs> <ChqNb>
InstructionIdentification Unique identification, which is a point to point reference that can be used between the instructing party and the instructed party to refer to the individual instruction. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <Refs> <InstrId>
PaymentInformationIdentification Unique identification, as assigned by a sending party, to unambiguously identify the payment information group within the message. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <Refs> <PmtInfId>
MandateIdentification Unique identification, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously identify the mandate. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <Refs> <MndtId>
ClearingSystemReference Unique reference, as assigned by a clearing system, to unambiguously identify the instruction. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <Refs> <ClrSysRef>
SourceCurrency Currency from which an amount is to be converted in a currency conversion. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <AmtDtls> <TxAmt> <CcyXchg> <SrcCcy> or <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <AmtDtls> <InstdAmt> <CcyXchg> <SrcCcy>
TargetCurrency Currency into which an amount is to be converted in a currency conversion. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <AmtDtls> <TxAmt> <CcyXchg> <TrgtCcy> or <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <AmtDtls> <InstdAmt> <CcyXchg> <TrgtCcy>
UnitCurrency Currency in which the rate of exchange is expressed in a currency exchange. In the example, 1GBP = xxxCUR, the unit currency is GBP. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <AmtDtls> <TxAmt> <CcyXchg> <UnitCcy> or <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <AmtDtls> <InstdAmt> <CcyXchg> <UnitCcy>
ExchangeRate Factor used to convert an amount from one currency into another. This reflects the price at which one currency was bought with another currency. Usage: ExchangeRate expresses the ratio between UnitCurrency and QuotedCurrency (ExchangeRate = UnitCurrency/QuotedCurrency). <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <AmtDtls> <TxAmt> <CcyXchg> <XchgRate> or <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <AmtDtls> <InstdAmt> <CcyXchg> <XchgRate>
ContractIdentification Unique identification to unambiguously identify the foreign exchange contract <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <AmtDtls> <TxAmt> <CcyXchg> <CtrctId> or <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <AmtDtls> <InstdAmt> <CcyXchg> <CtrctId>
QuotationDate Date and time at which an exchange rate is quoted. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <AmtDtls> <TxAmt> <CcyXchg> <QtnDt> or <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <AmtDtls> <InstdAmt> <CcyXchg> <QtnDt>
ReturnReasonCode Specifies the reason for the return, as per SWIFT external codes. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RtrInf> <Rsn> <Code>
ReturnReasonProprietary Specifies the reason for the return, in a proprietary form. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RtrInf> <Rsn> <Prtry>
Originator Name of the party that issues the return. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RtrInf> <Orgtr> <Nm>
OrgnlBkTxCdDomain Part of the Original Bank Transaction Code. It specifies the business area of the underlying transaction. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RtrInf> <OrgnlBkTxCd> <Domn> <Cd>
OrgnlBkTxCdFamily Specifies the family within a domain of the Original Bank Transaction Code. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RtrInf> <OrgnlBkTxCd> <Domn> <Fmly> <Cd>
OrgnlBkTxCdSubFamily Specifies the sub-product family within a specific family of the Original Bank Transaction Code. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RtrInf> <OrgnlBkTxCd> <Domn> <Fmly> <SubFmlyCd>
OrgnlBkTxCdProprietary Original Bank transaction code in a proprietary form, as defined by the issuer <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RtrInf> <OrgnlBkTxCd> <Prtry> <Cd>
InitiatingParty Party that initiated the payment that is reported in the entry. <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RltdPties> <InitgPty> <Pty> <Nm>
Creditor Party to which an amount of money is due <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RltdPties> <Cdtr> <Pty> <Nm>
CreditorAccount Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry has been posted as a result of the payment transaction <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RltdPties> <CdtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN> or <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RltdPties> <CdtrAcct> <Id> <Othr> <Id>
UltimateCreditor Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RltdPties> <UltmtCdtr> <Pty> <Nm>
Debtor Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor. <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RltdPties> <Dbtr> <Pty> <Nm>
DebtorAccount Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RltdPties> <DbtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN> or <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RltdPties> <DbtrAcct> <Id> <Othr> <id>
UltimateDebtor Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RltdPties> <UltmtDbtr> <Pty> <Nm>
TradingParty Party that plays an active role in planning and executing the transactions that create or liquidate investments of the investors assets, or that move the investor's assets from one investment to another. <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RltdPties> <TradgPty> <Pty> <Nm>
RemittanceInformation Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts receivable system, in an unstructured form. <Stmt> <Acct> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RmtInf> <Ustrd>
AdditionalRemittanceInformation Additional information, in free text form, to complement the structured remittance information <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RmtInf> <Strd> <AddtlRmtInf>
CreditorReferenceInformation Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying documents. <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RmtInf> <Strd> <CdtrRefInf> <Ref>
CreditorReferenceInformationCode Type of creditor reference, in a coded form <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RmtInf> <Strd> <CdtrRefInf> <Tp> <CdOrPrtry> <Cd>
CreditorReferenceInformationPrtry Creditor reference type, in a proprietary form <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RmtInf> <Strd> <CdtrRefInf> <Tp> <CdOrPrtry> <Prtry>
Invoicee Identification of the party to whom an invoice is issued, when it is different from the debtor or ultimate debtor <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RmtInf> <Strd> <Invcee> <Nm>
Invoicer Identification of the organisation issuing the invoice, when it is different from the creditor or ultimate creditor <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RmtInf> <Strd> <Invcr> <Nm>
ReferredDocumentInformation Provides the identification and the content of the referred document <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RmtInf> <Strd> <RfrdDocInf> <Nb>

To add a BAI, SWIFT MT940, or CAMT.053 Format Bank File Transactions application:

  1. From the Data Integration home page, and then Actions, select Applications.
  2. On the Applications page, click Image shows the Add icon..
  3. From Category, select Data Source.
  4. From Type, select Bank file.
  5. From Application, select an application name from the list of values.

    Available types of application include:

    • BAI Format Bank File Transactions
    • SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Transactions
    • CAMT.053 Format Bank File Transactions


    The Data Integration connection to the BAI, SWIFT MT940, camt.053 source file fails under the following circumstances:

    • The match type is changed in Transaction Matching.
    • The data source ID changes.
    • The data source attribute ID changes, or is added and removed.

    In this case, you need to recreate the application (including the entire target application, import format, location, mapping) in Data Integration.

    For a BAI file, select BAI Format Bank File Transactions.

    For a SWIFT MT940 file, select SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Transactions.

    For a CAMT.053 file, select CAMT.053 Format Bank File Transactions.

  6. In Prefix, specify a prefix to make the source system name unique.

    Use a prefix when the source system name you want to add is based on an existing source system name. The prefix is joined to the existing name. For example, if you want to name a Bank file application the same name as the existing one, you might assign your initials as the prefix.

  7. Click OK.
  8. From the Application page, click Image shows Select icon. to the right of the application, and then select Application Details.
  9. Select the Dimensions tab.
  10. To view dimensions in the Bank file source system, select the Dimension Details tab.

    The dimension details for a BAI Format Bank File Transactions application are shown below:

    Image shows dimenion details for a BAI Format Bank File Transactions

    An example of dimension details for a SWIFT MT940 Bank File Transactions application is shown below:

    Images show dimension details for a SWIFT MT940 bank file transactions.

    An example of the dimension details for a CAMT.053 Bank File Transactions application is shown below:

    Images shows the dimensions for a CAMT.053 Bank File Transactions application.

  11. Set up the integration mapping between Bank file source system and the Account Reconciliation target application.
    1. From the Data Integration home page, click Image shows the Add icon. to add a new integration.
    2. On the Create Integration page, then Name and Description, enter a name and description for the new integration.
    3. In Location, enter a new location name, or pick an existing location where to load data.

    4. From the Source (Image shows the Source icon.) drop-down, select the Account Reconciliation source application.

    5. From the Target (Image shows the Target icon.) drop-down, select the target Transaction Matching data source application.

    6. From Category, select the appropriate Currency Bucket, typically the lowest enabled Currency Bucket on the Profile.


      Category mappings are not relevant for Transaction Matching transactions, but they are required in Data Integration.
    7. Optional: Select any applicable location attributes for the integration. For more information, see Selecting Location Attributes.

      Image shows Create Integration page.

  12. From the Data Integration home page, click Image shows Select icon. to the right of the integration, and then select Map Dimensions.
  13. On the Map Dimensions page, complete the following:
    1. In Import Format, select the name of the import format to use for the integration.

      You can also add a user defined import format name.

    2. In the mappings grid, map the source columns in the source to the dimensions in the target application.


      All transaction matching files require the Reconciliation Id dimension to be mapped to the corresponding Transaction Matching Profile.

      The dimensions from the target application are populated automatically.

      If the import format has already been defined for the integration, then the source and target columns are mapped automatically.

  14. From the Data Integration home page, click Image shows Select icon. to the right of the integration, and then select Map Members.
  15. On the Map Members page, define members mapping to map the members from the source to target.
    Image shows the Map Members page./


    BAI codes 100-399 are for bank credits (positive numbers) and 400-699 are for bank debits (negative numbers).

    For Bank specific BAI codes which are greater than 699, Data Integration treats them as bank credits (positive numbers) by default. If you need any specific code in this range to be treated as bank debit (negative number), then use SQL Mapping (see SQL) to update the Amount as a negative number as in the following example.
        WHEN UD7 = '868' THEN AMOUNT*-1
         ELSE AMOUNT


    All transaction matching files require the Reconciliation Id dimension to be mapped to the corresponding Transaction Matching Profile.
  16. From the Data Integration home page, click Image shows Select icon. to the right of the integration, and then select Workbench.
  17. In the Workbench, test and validate the data by executing the integration to ensure that the load is running properly, and your data looks correct. Data Integration transforms the data and stages it for Account Reconciliation to use.
    For more information about using the Workbench, see Running an Integration.