Using an EPM Platform Job Job Type for Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management

Use the EPM Platform Job job type to execute Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management jobs by providing the job name, job type, and parameters. Some jobs are expected to be defined in the corresponding Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management application, with some or all the required parameters saved within the job definition. For these job types, the parameters can be either provided within the job definition or overwritten at runtime. The remaining jobs can be triggered at runtime without a saved job definition.

Supported EPM Platform Job jobs types for Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management include:

  • Calculate Model

  • Clear Data by POV

  • Copy Data by POV

  • Delete POV

Job type parameters are added as Label and Value pairs (key value pairs) where Label is the name of an attribute, and Value is an assigned value for this attribute.

Table 12-9 EPM Platform Job Job Type Parameters for Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management

EPM Platform Job Job Types for Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management Description
Job Type

From the Job Type drop-down, select the job type value or variable to execute in the EPM Platform Job.

You can qualify the job type by specifying the individual label and value parameters in the Label/Value fields.

Job Name

Specify the job name to be used for this job execution.


Job type parameters are added as Label and Value pairs (key value pairs) where Label is the name of an attribute, and Value is an assigned value for this attribute.

To add a new Label/Value pair, click image shows the Add Label icon..

To delete a Label/Value pair, click Image shows Delete Label icon..

Calculate Model

Runs the calculation on a given point of view in a selected cube. This job type supports batch calculation with multiple POVs.

This is an asynchronous call, so use the job status URI to determine whether the operation is complete.

For detailed information on the job type parameters and values that can be passed, see Calculate Model in REST API for Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.

You can only call Calculation Manager based business rules by way of the Pipeline. Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management based rules and rulesets is not supported.

Clear Data by POV

Clears the data for a given point of view in a selected cube.

For detailed information on the job type parameters and values that can be passed, see Clear Data By Point of View in REST API for Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.

Copy Data by POV

Copies data from a source to a destination point of view in a selected cube.

For detailed information on the job type parameters and values that can be passed, see Copy Data by Point of View in REST API for Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.

Delete POV

Deletes the data associated with a point of view from the calculation cube.

For detailed information on the job type parameters and values that can be passed, see Delete Point of View in REST API for Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.