Conditional Formatting, Text and Suppression Considerations

Performance Considerations

Conditional formatting, text and suppression can impact performance depending on the size of the report, the criteria used, and the frequency of use (that is, how many cells have conditional formatting, text or suppression applied to them). Keep in the mind the following considerations for performance:

  • Data value comparisons are the fastest.

  • Criteria such as Member Name and Member Alias/Description are also fast because they are part of the metadata or data query.

  • Avoid criteria such as Generation, Level, and Account Type whenever possible, as performance is slower because those criteria are not part of the regular metadata or data query.

Error Handling

Syntax errors are typically displayed in the Conditional Format/Text and Suppression editor:
screenshot shows a syntax error in the UI with error Name contains invalid characters /\:|<>+*\\?"

Non-syntax errors are displayed when you preview the report or grid. For example, if a conditional suppression on a row refers to Column B and that column is deleted from the grid, an error is displayed when you preview the report:
screenshot shows error from above condition: Conditional Suppression Column B less than 3,000,000 in Grid 1 has operand type with an invalid value.