Gauge Chart Properties

The gauge chart has the following properties:

Table 7-4 General Properties

Property Name Description


Select from the following options:

  • Circular
  • Horizontal
  • Vertical

Table 7-5 Plot Area

Property Name Description

Gauge Color

Sets the color of the gauge marker; the default is black. For example, see About Gauge Charts, the markers for all the charts are colored black.

Background Color

Applies to when the Gauge Marker property is set to either None or Reference Lines. Select the background color of the gauge plot; the default is light gray.

Table 7-6 Gauge Chart Properties

Property Name Description

Minimum Value

Specify a minimum value; the default is zero.

Maximum Value

Select either:

  • Percent of Metric value and enter the desired percentage; the default is 200%
  • Value and enter the desired value. If a Value is not specified, the maximum value is automatically set as greater than the metric value.

Note: The calculated Maximum Value needs to be larger than the Minimum Value; if this is not the case, the Maximum Value will be set to be the Minimum Value +1, so the gauge is still plottable.

Metric Label

Label Display

Show or Hide the metric label from appearing in the gauge output.


Specify the metric label’s text format.


Specify the number format for the metric label.

  • For the Circular gauge, if Use Default is selected, the metric label value will be automatically formatted.
  • For the Horizontal and Vertical gauges, if Use Default is selected, the formatting from the chart’s source grid value will be applied.
  • For all gauge chart types, if Use Default is not selected, you can set the number formatting for the metric label.
Member Label

Label Display

Show or Hide the member label from appearing in the gauge output.


Specify the member label’s text format.

Override Text

Optionally, you can enter custom text to be used as the member label.

Start Angle

Applies to the Circular gauge. Specify the start angle for the gauge marker and thresholds. The default is 90, where the gauge marker and thresholds start at 90 degrees from the center of the gauge (top of the circle). Valid values are between 0 and 360.

Angle Extent

Applies to the Circular gauge. The default is 360, which results in a full circle for the gauge. You can create semi-circular circular gauges, by using the Angle Extent property. Valid values are between 0 and 360.

Indicator Size

Set the gauge marker thickness relative to the gauge thickness. The default is 0.5 which means the marker thickness will be half of the gauge thickness.

Inner Radius

Applies to the Circular gauge. Specifies the inner radius of a circular gauge, defined by the distance from the center of the gauge to the innermost edge of the indicator and plot area. Valid values are a percent or ratio from 0 to 100. The default is 70, which means 70%.

Gauge Thickness

Applies to the Horizontal and Vertical gauges.

Specifies the width (for vertical gauge) or height (for horizontal gauge) ratio compared to the plot area. Valid values are a percent or ratio from 0 to 100. The default is 10, which means 10%.

Table 7-7 Gauge Thresholds

Property Name Description

Gauge Marker

Select either:

  • Thresholds – displays the colored thresholds in the chart. Thresholds is the default selection.
  • Reference Lines – displays cross-sectional colored lines as thresholds.
  • None – No thresholds are displayed in the gauge. If None is selected, none of the remaining Thresholds are available.

Threshold Display

Select either:

  • All – displays all three thresholds in the chart. All is the default.
  • On Indicator – displays the current threshold as the gauge marker.
  • Current – displays only the current threshold; the gauge marker is still displayed.

Desired Goal

Specify whether High values or Low values are desirable. High is the default.

Threshold Type

Select either:

  • Percent of Maximum value – use a percentage of the maximum value (set in gauge properties) with default values of 33% and 66% for the low and medium thresholds, respectively. Percent of Maximum value is the default.
  • Value – allows entering a value for the low and medium thresholds.
Low Threshold


Specify a label for the Low threshold that is displayed when hovering over the thresholds in the gauge. The default label is Low.


Customize the Low threshold color; the default color is red.


Enter either a percent or value for the Low threshold, depending on the Threshold Type property selection.
Medium Threshold


Specify a label for the Medium threshold that is displayed when hovering over the thresholds in the gauge. The default label is Medium.


Customize the Medium threshold color, the default color is yellow.


Enter either a percent or value for the Medium threshold, depending on the Threshold Type property selection
High Threshold


Specify a label for the High threshold that is displayed when hovering over the thresholds in the gauge. The default label is High.


Customize the High threshold color, the default color is green.