Working with Point of View Selection for Reports, Book, and Sections

You can set the POV for a report, Book, or Section. You can define a list of members on which a report, Book, or Section can be executed.
When previewing a Book with multiple data sources, any common dimensions across data sources are combined so that a single POV dimension selection can affect the different data sources. However, the list of available members to select from a common dimension need to be defined by the Book Designer for the Book POV, report, inserted Book or Section POV. The members displayed in the Member Selector for a common POV dimension are for the first data source appearing in the Book, report, inserted Book or Section’s Manage Data Source dialog.
  • For Reports and Books: The dimensions listed in the Book POV are the POV dimensions that are in the underlying reports and Books.

    For example, if the only available POV dimensions in a report are Periods, Years, and Entities (the rest of the dimensions are either in the grid, are hidden, or are locked in the report POV), then only these three dimensions are exposed for that report in the Book Designer.

  • For Sections: You can select the available POV dimensions from the data source for the Book. While all data source dimensions are listed, the selected dimensions need to be available POV dimensions in the report or Book within the section (the rest of the dimensions are either not in the grid, or are hidden, or are locked in the Section POV).


    Only the Section POV must be defined if you are grouping multiple reports with the same member selection.


  • When using substitution and user variables as selections for the Book Point of View, the Variable values are retrieved when the system first connects to the data source. The member selector and/or POV will display the Variable’s value. When running a Book, the latest Variable value will be retrieved for the Reports in the Book. However, if a Variable value changes during a user’s session, the change will not be reflected in the Variable value displayed in the Book’s member selector or POV, until the user reconnects to a new session by logging out and logging in again.

  • For more information about using Variables in the member selector and POV, see Working with Substitution Variables and User Variables.

Let's consider two examples, one with a Section POV and another with a Section without a POV.

Example: Section with a POV member section. The section has Segments dimension member selections of Seg01 and Seg02, and reports contains Current POV for Segments dimension member.

Section with POV Selection

Example: Section without a POV member section. The section does not have any POV member selections, reports have their own POV selections for the Segments dimension.


If the reports do not use the Section’s POV, then the reports will be executed for each report’s specific POV selection.

Section without POV Selection