Security - Roles and Access for Note Templates and Notes

In general, the system administrator role can see and maintain all Note Templates and Notes. Access permissions to Note Templates and Notes are set in the Note Manager. Based on the three types of permissions that can be assigned to Note Templates:

Table 11-12 Defining user roles and their task for Notes Templates

User Role User Task
  • Create a Note
  • Delete, Update, and view Note Templates as well as all Notes created using a Note Template
  • Add, View, Edit, Delete user assignment for Notes Templates and Notes
  • By default, the creator of a Note Template has Administer permission on the Note Template
  • Create a note
  • Delete, Update, View note templates as well as all Notes created using a Note Template
  • View Note Templates
  • View Notes
Report Administrator or System Administrator roles can create a new Note Template in the report designer but cannot in the Notes Manager.
  • A user role and report administer permission on a report cannot create a new Note Template, but can insert an existing Note Template that they created.
  • A user that has the Report Administrator role while designing a report: with View permission to Note Template, can only view and insert it into a report. But if they have Administer or Write permissions to a Note Template, they can insert it and edit it.


There are two types of permissions that can be assigned to Notes:

Table 11-13 Defining user roles and their task for Notes

User Role User Task
Write can submit text to a Note. By default, the creator of the Note has write permission on the Note
View can only view the text and not submit text to the Note

Notes are only visible in a report preview if the user has a minimum of View access on the Note. Users are allowed to update a Note only if they have Write access on the Note. In a Note, the Inherit Permissions from Note Template is set by default. Only a user with Write permission on the Note can change this setting.

Table 11-14 Defining user roles and their task for Inherit Permissions from Note Template

User Role User Task
Enabled Inherit Permissions from Note Template Permissions for a user on the template will also apply to the Note
Disabled Inherit Permissions from Note Template Note will store permissions independently and is not linked to the Note Template permissions