Create Parent Members for the Account, Entity, Product, and Version Dimensions

To create parent members for the dimensions:

  1. From the EPM Cloud Planning Home page, click Navigator button (Navigator icon).

  2. In the Navigator: Default screen, under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.

    Navigator screen with Dimension selected under the Create and Manage heading

  3. Create a parent for the Account dimension.
    1. In the Dimensions tab, with Account selected in the drop down, click Add Child button (Add Child button).

      Dimensions tab with Account in the drop-down the Add Child button selected

    2. In the Member Properties tab, in the Name field, enter DM Training01, and then click Save.

      DM Training01 is the parent for the Account.txt dimension. You can verify this by navigating to where you downloaded the contents of the Data file and opening Account.txt.

      Member Properties tab with DM Training 01 in the Name field
  4. Create a parent for the Entity dimension.
    1. In the Dimensions tab, select Entity in the drop-down, and then click Add Child button (Add Child button).

      Dimensions tab with Entity in the drop-down and the Add Sibiling button selected

    2. In the Member Properties tab, in the Name field, enter DM Training02, and then click Save.

      DM Training02 is the parent for the Entity dimension. You can verify this by navigating to where you downloaded the contents of the Data file and opening Entity.txt.

      Member Properties tab with DM Training 02 in the Name field
  5. Create a parent for the Product dimension.
    1. In the Dimensions tab, select Product in the drop-down, and then click Add Child button (Add Child button).

      Dimensions tab with Product in the drop-down and the Add Sibiling button selected

    2. In the Member Properties tab, in the Name field, enter DM Training03, and then click Save.

      DM Training03 is the parent for the Product dimension. You can verify this by navigating to where you downloaded the contents of the Data file and opening Product.txt.

      Member Properties tab with DM Training 03 in the Name field
  6. Create a parent for the Version dimension.
    1. In the Dimensions tab, select Version, in the drop-down, and then click Add Child button (Add Sibling button).

      Dimensions tab with Version selected in the drop-down and the Add Child button selected.
    2. In the Member Properties tab, in the Name field, enter DM Training04, and then click Save.

      DM Training04 is the parent for the Version metadata dimension. You can verify this by navigating to where you downloaded the contents of the Data file and opening Version.txt.

      Member Properties tab with DM Training04 in the Name field