Create a Request

In this step, a user named Alex Smith is going to create a request to add a two nodes to the North America hierarchy in the General Ledger application. The two nodes are contained in a file that Alex is going to load.

  1. On the Oracle Cloud Sign In screen, sign in as Alex Smith.

    Sign In Screen with Alex Smith as the user

  2. From the Enterprise Data Management Cloud Home page, select Views.

    Enterprise Data Management Cloud Home screen with Views selected

  3. Select the Entity Maintenance view.

    Enterprise Data Management Cloud screen with the Entity Maintenance view selected

  4. Select New Request.

    Entity Maintenance screen with New Request selected

  5. Click Three dot icon and select Load Request Items.

    Load Request Items menu option

    Note: The load file is automatically attached to the request.

  6. Select the GL-Entity-Updates.xlsx file that you saved to your local drive.

    Select File

  7. Click Load to load the information in the file.

    Load From File dialog box with Load selected

  8. After reviewing the results summary, click Close.

    Results Summary dialog box with Close selected

    Note that two new nodes were added: 121, US1 Health and 141, US1Support.

    New Nodes

  9. Add a comment further explaining the request to add 121, US1 Health. To do this, click Three dots icon next to General Ledger and select Add a Comment.

    General Ledger with Add a Comment selected

  10. Enter "Please add US1 Health", and then click Save.

    Comment to please add US1 Health

  11. Add a comment for the overall request. To do this, click the CommentsComment icon icon. Then click Plus icon next to All Comments, enter "Added 121 and 141", and click Save.

    Comment to add 121 and 141