Defining Application Options for Tax Reporting

Define application and dimension details for Tax Reporting applications.

To define Tax Reporting application options:

  1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
  2. In the Target Application summary grid, select an Tax Reporting target application.
  3. After defining the application details in Application Detail, select the Application Options tab.
  4. Complete the application options as needed.
  5. Click Save.

Table 2-11 Tax Reporting Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description

Load Type

Defaults to "Data" for loading numeric data only.

Create Drill Region

Select Yes to create a drill region.

A drill region enables you to navigate from data in the Tax Reporting application to its corresponding source data. Data Management loads enabled drill regions to the Tax Reporting target application after data is loaded and consolidated. A cell is considered drillable in the target application when it is associated with the drill regions defined in the application.

Data Management creates drill region by scenarios. For any cube, the name of the drill region is FDMEE_<name of the scenario member>.

Data Management also checks if a dimension is enabled for the drill. Members of enabled dimensions selected in data loads, are included in the drill region filter. If no dimensions are enabled, the following dimensions are enabled by default: Scenario, Version, Year, and Period. You can enable additional dimensions, and the subsequent data load considers members of newly enabled dimensions. If you disable any dimensions which were previously included in a drill region used for drill creation, members of such dimensions are not deleted during the subsequent data loads. If needed, you can remove obsolete members manually.

To disable the drill region, select No.

Enable Drill from Summary

Select Yes to drill down from summary members in a Planning data form or report and view the detail source data that make up the number.

After enabling this option and loading the data with the Create Drill Region option set to Yes, the Drill icon is enabled at the summary level. Drill is limited to 1000 descendant members for a dimension.


Summary level drill downs are not available for the Scenario, Year, and Period dimensions. For these dimensions, you must perform a drill through on the leaf members.

Summary drill is available for local service instances only. It is not available between cross service instances or hybrid deployments.


Specify the movement dimension member that indicates the automated cash flow reporting dimension used through hierarchies and system calculations. The dimension member can be any valid base member.

By default, the system provides members in the Movement dimension to maintain various types of cash flow data, and FX to CTA calculations.

If no movement, then specify the member as "FCCS_No Movement." Otherwise, select the desired movement member.

  • TRCS_BookClosing

  • TRCS_TBClosing

  • FCCS_No Movement

  • FCCS_ClosingBalance

  • TRCS_TARFMovements

  • TRCS_ETRTotal

  • TRCS_ClosingBVT


Specify the multi-GAAP dimension used to report your financial statements in both local GAAP and in IFRS or another GAAP.

This dimension tracks the local GAAP data input as well as any GAAP adjustments.


Specify the data source dimension.

The default value is "FCCS_Managed Source."

Purge Data File

When a file-based data load to Essbase is successful, specify whether to delete the data file from the application outbox directory. Select Yes to delete the file, or No to retain the file.

Enable Data Security for Admin Users

Enables data validation when an administrative user loads data. In this case, all data validations in the data entry form are enforced while loading data. Due to the enhanced validations, the performance of data load is slower.


When running any of the Workforce Incremental rules (for example, OWP_INCREMENTAL PROCESS DATA WITH SYNCHRONIZE DEFAULTS), ensure that then target option Enable Data Security for Admin Users is set to No. This option can only be set by an administrator.

When this option is set to Yes, data is validated for administrator and non-administator data loads in the same manner. Validations include: security checks, intersection validations, read-only cells, dynamic calc cells, etc. In addition, a detailed error list for any rows that are rejected or ignored is available and no additional Planning permissions are needed. However, performance may be slower even for administrators.

When this options is set to No (default value), then data loads by the administrator are performed using the Outline Load Utility (OLU). In this case, performance is faster but you are unable to get a detailed error report for any rows that are ignored for any reason.


Specify the jurisdiction dimension.

Any valid base member. The default member is "TRCS_No Jurisdiction."

Member name may contain comma

If the member name contains a comma, and you are loading data to one of the following services, set this option to Yes, and then load the data:

  • Planning Modules
  • Planning
  • Financial Consolidation and Close
  • Tax Reporting
Workflow Mode

Select the data workflow method.

Available options:

  • Full—Data is processed in the TDATASEG_T table and then copied to the TDATASEG table.

    All four Workbench processes are supported (Import, Validate, Export, and Check) and data can be viewed in the Workbench.

    Drill-down is supported.

    The Full Workflow mode is the default mode.

  • Full No Archive—Data is processed in the TDATASEG_T table and then copied to TDATASEG table.

    All four Workbench processes are supported (Import, Validate, Export, and Check). Data can be viewed in the Workbench but only after the import step has been completed. Data is deleted from TDATASEG at the end of the workflow process.

    Drill-down is not supported

  • Simple— Data is processed in the TDATASEG_T table and then exported directly from the TDATASEG_T. table.

    All data loads include both the import and export steps.

    Data is not validated and any unmapped data result in load failure.

    Maps are not archived in TDATAMAPSEG.

    Data cannot be viewed in the Workbench.

    Drill-down is not supported.

Drill View from Smart View

Specify the custom view of columns from the Workbench when displaying customized attribute dimension member names in Oracle Smart View for Office drill-through reports.


When drilling into Smart View, Data Integration uses the last used view on the Drill landing page. If no last used view is found, Data Integration uses the default view selection in this setting

Custom views are created and defined in the Workbench option in Data Integration. When the custom view has been defined and then specified in the Drill View from Smart View field, in Smart View you can click the drill-through cell and select Open as New Sheet, and the drill-through report opens based on the view defined in the Workbench.

If no views are defined on the Application Options page, the default view is used, meaning that attribute dimensions do not display customized member names in Smart View.

For more information, see Defining a Custom View in the Workbench

Default Import Mode

Sets the default import mode when you execute a data load rule in Data Management or run an integration in Data Integration.

Available options:

  • Append

  • Replace

Default Export Mode

Sets the default export mode when you execute a data load rule in Data Management or run an integration in Data Integration.

Available options:

  • Accumulate (Add Data)

  • Replace

  • Merge Data (Store Data)

  • Subtract