Concatenating Source Dimensions for a File-Based Source

Concatenate file-based dimensions as the source of target application dimensions. Concatenation facilitates a simple set of data load mappings with an unlimited number of fields that can be concatenated.

To concatenate a file-based source dimension:

  1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
  2. In the Import Format summary task bar, select the import format of the file.

    Source columns for both fixed and file delimited files can be concatenated.

  3. In Data Load Mapping, click Add.
  4. Select Dimension Row, and then specify the target dimension.
  5. In Source Column, select the first source column to concatenate.
  6. In Field Number, enter the field number from the file to import (defaults to the field number from the file when text is selected).
  7. In Data Load Mapping, click Add.
  8. Select Dimension Row, and then specify the same target dimension as in step 4.
  9. In Source Column, select the second source column to concatenate.
  10. Repeat steps 5-6 for each source column to add to the concatenation.
  11. To use a concatenation character between source columns:
    1. Click Add, and then specify the target dimension.
    2. In Source Column field, enter a name to identify the concatenation character.

      For example, enter: Delimited.

    3. In Field Number, enter: 1 or greater.

      Do not enter: 0 when specifying the field number for the concatenation character column

    4. In Expression field, enter the concatenation character used to separate concatenated source columns.

      For example, enter a , (comma) or a . (period).

  12. Click Save.

    Image show concatenated source columns for a file-based source system