Defining Category Mappings

You create category mapping for scenario dimension members in the Planning and Planning Budget Revisions application to which Budgetary Controlbalances are loaded.

If you load Budgetary Control budget consumption balances for inquiry in Budget Revisions, load them to the pre-defined OEP_Consumed scenario member.

To define category mappings:

  1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Category Mapping.

  2. Select Global Mapping.

  3. Click Add.

    A blank entry row is displayed.

  4. In Category, enter a name that corresponds to the Planning and Planning Budget Revisions applications Scenario dimension member to which you want to load budget consumption amounts.

    For example, if you want to load the sum of commitments, obligations, other anticipated expenditures, and expenditures from Budgetary Control to one Scenario dimension member in the Planning application, you need one Category mapping entry.

    If you are using Budget Revisions feature, the system-generated Scenario dimension member for this usage is OEP_Consumed.

    If you are not using Budget Revisions and still want to load the Budgetary Control balances, instead of the encumbrance balances from General Ledger balances, to the Planning application, you can create a custom Scenario dimension member.

    Either way, create a category mapping entry and enter this Scenario dimension member name as the Target Category. Its corresponding Category can be named the same for convenience or anything you like, such as Budgetary Control Consumption or just Consumed.

  5. Click Save.