Using Data Load Rules for Synchronization

When synchronizing data, you specify which records (rows) are extracted from the source EPM Application to the target EPM Application.

Additionally, you can:

  • Specify the source filter option to select a dimension, and then enter the filter criteria for each dimension.

  • Browse and select members within a dimension.

  • Load data to a single period or a range of periods.

  • Add or change any target options for the application.

To define the data load details for a target EPM or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system (file-based source system):

  1. In Name, enter the data load rule name.
  2. In Category, select a category.

    The categories listed are those that you created in the Data Management setup, such as "Actual." See Defining Category Mappings.

  3. Optional: Enter a description.
  4. In Plan Type, select the plan type.

    Data Management supports data loads for up to six plan types (including custom and Planning applications.)

    Data Management currently supports up to six plan types when loading data. Planning can support three custom plan types and up to four Planning Modules applications (Workforce, Capex, Project, Financials). You can enable any combination of these applications. When you create an Planning Modules application and if you create more than two custom plan types, then you cannot support a data load to all four applications.

  5. In Period Mapping Type, select Default or Explicit.
  6. Optional: Add or change any source filter options.
  7. Optional: Add or change any target options.
  8. Click Save.