Add Report Formatting

You can add formatting to make your report more interesting. In our sample report, we are going to bold some of the headings, add a separator to add some space between the rows, add a formula to sum all the results in the report, add a custom heading, merge the cells that contain duplicate data, and add some borders and shading.


The following steps show you how to add formatting to the sample report in this Learning Path. Review Formatting Grid Cells for more information on formatting cells.

  1. Let's begin by adding bold formatting to the heading cells. To do this, select the Actual, Plan, Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 cells, click Cell Cell Formatting button, and then click Bold Bold button.

    Grid with the Actual, Plan, Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 cells selected

  2. Insert a separator to add a blank row above the OpEx row. To do this, select the OpEx row, click the drop-down arrow by the row number, and select Insert Before, and then Separator.

    OpEx row drop-down with Insert Before and Separator selected

  3. Bold the OpEx row. To do this, click the header cell for the row (the cell with number 3) to select the entire row, then click Cell Cell Formatting button, and then click Bold Bold button.

    OpEx row selected with the Bold button selected

  4. Add a formula to sum all the results in the report. To do this, click the drop-down arrow for column D, and select Insert After, and then Formula.

    Column D drop-down with Insert After and Formula selected

  5. In the newly-created column E, click in the top heading cell; then, in the formula bar, click Formula Functions Formula Functions button, and select SUM().

    Heading cell in column # with the SUM forumla function selected

  6. Enter the sum as SUM([a:d]), and then click Accept Accept button.

    Sum formula entered as SUM([a:d])

    The formula is now displayed in the grid.

    Grid showing the SUM([a:d]) formula

  7. Click Formula for Heading Formula button, and select Custom Heading to make the cell heading blank.

  8. Place your cursor in column E on the Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 row, and next to the Formula buttonbutton type in the custom heading "Total Year", and click Accept Accept button.

    Grid with Total Year as a custom heading

    Total Year is now displayed as a heading in the grid.

    Total Year displayed as a heading in the grid

  9. Merge the repeating "Actual" and "Plan" Scenario labels.

    To do this, select the two Actual cells, then right-click the cells, and select Merge Cells.

    Actual cells with Merge Cells selected

    Do the same for the two Plan cells.

    Plan cells with Merge Cells selected

  10. On row 3, select the # cells.

    Grid with the # cells selected

  11. In the Cell properties on the right, under Border and Shading, click Border Border button, and select the Top Top buttonand Bottom Bottom buttonoptions. In the Bottom option, select a double underline, and then click OK.

    Border selection box with the double underline selected

  12. Click Preview Preview button to preview the grid. You can see that it looks better with the formatting we have done.

    Grid with formatting options applied

  13. Click Save to save the report, enter a name for the report, and then click Close to return to the Report Designer.