Formatting Grid Cells

Cell properties enable you to change the way the selected range of member header cells and data cells are displayed in the grid.

Formatting Numbers

When you select a data cell in the grid, the properties panel displays a Number property. Click the # to open the Number formatting menu.

screenshot displays the number formatter with fields described in this section

Use the Prefix and Suffix fields to format both positive and negative numbers in the cell with characters before or after the number (such as currency symbols, or open and close parentheses for negative numbers). You can manually enter the symbols that you want to prefix or suffix the number by, or click add to select commonly-used characters from a list. You can enter more than one character as a prefix or suffix (for example, -$). You can also display negative numbers in red text.

Use the Align Prefix and Align Suffix checkboxes to align prefix and suffix symbols in Cell Number Formatting. These properties, when selected:

  • Align currency prefixes in the left-most side of each data cell.

  • Align numeric data values with other cells in the same columns and suffixes in the right-most side of each data cell.

Both properties are unselected by default.

Align Prefix and Align Suffix not selected:

Align Prefix and Align Suffix not selected

Align Prefix and Align Suffix selected:

Align Prefix and Align Suffix selected

By default, number cells use the thousands and decimal separators from your User Preferences Formatting settings. De-select the Use Default check box to manually specify a thousands or decimal separator.


If Use Default is deselected, if the formatting selections are not changed, the user's formatting preferences will still be used.

Use Decimal Places and Scale Values By to specify the scale and precision of number values. If the number contains more decimal places than you specify, the system rounds the displayed number.


In Scale Values By, use Custom to specify a scale that is not listed. You can also add a negative value in Custom to reverse the sign of the number. For example, to display a positive number as a negative number, select Custom and then enter -1 for the scale. Click OK to accept your changes.

Formatting Font and Alignment

For both member heading and data cells, the Font and Alignment fields enable you to change the font, size, color, and placement of text within a cell., and to reverse the text direction for right-to-left languages. You can also specify an indent from the left cell margin.

For row and column cells that contain member headings (and not data):

  • Use Indent By to indent the row headings of each generation or level of a selected member. Specify the number of spaces to indent the values from the left cell margin. You can specify a reverse indentation (from right to left) by using a negative number. You can indent by Generation, or by Level if all of your level zero members are not at the same generation. Select None to remove the indent from the row or column.

  • Use Zoom to enable zooming on the parent member. See Zooming on Parent Members in Grids.

For example, using the Narrative Reporting sample model, for Descendants of Total Entity, select Indent by, select Level, and then enter an Indent = 5 to produce the following:

Screenshot shows the entity dimension with each level indented by 5. For example, TX is at one level, South Sales is indented under it, and USA Sales is indented under that.


When you select Indent by (generation or level), or Zoom, a Relative Indent field is displayed. Use Relative Indent to adjust the size of the indent of the row member labels. This field displays the current indent in inches or centimeters, depending on your user preference. (See Using the Formatting Tab). The default value is .12 inches. You can adjust this value from -1.00 to 1.00 inches. Use negative values to reverse the indent of the row member labels.

To define the font for a grid cell :

  1. Edit a grid, and click grid cell icon.

  2. In the cell properties panel, use the Font and Size drop down boxes to define the font.

    define the font for a grid cell

    The following default fonts are available:

    • Liberation Sans (Arial)

    • Liberation Serif (Times New Roman)

    • Liberation Mono (Courier New)

    • Albany (Japanese)

    • Albany (Korean)

    • Albany (Simplified Chinese)

    • Albany (Traditional Chinese)

    For text cells, the Text Character Width property allows a user to choose between more and less conservative sizing of text in a grid text cell. The property can have a value of Large, Medium, or Small. By default, the property is set to Large. For more information, see Using the Text Character Width Property.

Formatting Borders and Shading

In Borders, click border to open the border editor. Click top, bottom, left, right, or all to specify a border, and then click the drop down arrow to specify a border style. Click the border color to change it. You can pick a color from the color picker or manually enter an RGB value. You must enable a border (for example, All) in order to specify a style and color. Click OK to accept your changes.

In Shading, click shading to specify a background color for the selected cells. You can pick a color from the color picker or manually enter an RGB value.

Use Replace Text to replace the data value of a selected cell with a text string. For example, you can display "Confidential" in a cell that contains sensitive financial information. The text that you enter will be displayed in grid designer as well as all rendered output.


When you replace zero values, the text replacement is based on the displayed value of zero (which is not necessarily the actual data value). For example, if the data value is ".001" but it is formatted to display with no decimal places, the displayed value for the data is zero and therefore it will be replaced with the text that you specify. You can specify the number of extra decimal places of precision to consider in determining that the value is zero.

Click Reset to Default to set all cell formatting for the selected cells back to their default settings.

Allow Note Input

For Narrative Reporting deployments in Note Column and Note Row segments, you can restrict or allow Note entry via the Allow Note Input formatting property for specific cells in a Note segment. For more information, see Setting the Allow Note Entry Property.