Viewing the User Group Report

The User Group Report lists the direct or indirect membership of users assigned to EPM groups in Access Control. Service Administrators or users with Access Control - Manage role can generate this report.

Users are deemed to be direct members of a group if they are assigned to the group; they are considered indirect members if they are assigned to a group which is a child of another group. For each user assigned to a group, the report lists information such as the login ID, first and last name, email ID, and a list of comma separated groups to which the user is directly or indirectly assigned. The direct groups are displayed in bold font, while the indirect groups are in non-bold font.

The CSV version of the report indicates whether the user is directly or indirectly assigned to a group by using Yes or No.


This report is not applicable to Account Reconciliation and Narrative Reporting.

To generate the User Group report:

  1. Open Access Control. See Opening Access Control.
  2. Click User Group Report.
  3. Optional: Filter the report. From the drop down list select Users or Groups. See Using Search for instructions on using the Search feature.
    The User Groups report is displayed. By default, the report is sorted by User Login values.
  4. Click Cancel to close the report.
  5. Optional: Click Export to CSV to export EPM group name and descriptions to Groups.csv file.
    PREDEFINED or IDCS groups cannot be exported using this option. Export to CSV is disabled if no EPM groups exists. There should be at least one EPM group in Access Control to use this option.
  6. Optional: Click Import from CSV to import group assignments of EPM Users from a CSV file into Access Control.
    For information on CSV file format and other details, see Importing Group Assignments of Users from a File.