Getting and Setting User Variable Values

You can use REST APIs to get and set user variable values as summarized here. This allows administrators to manage user variable values for users and to provide default values for user variable values when creating new users as well as query the user variable values for different selection criteria.

Before using the REST resources, you must understand how to access the REST resources and other important concepts. See Implementation Best Practices for EPM Cloud REST APIs. Using this REST API requires prerequisites. See Prerequisites.

This API is v3.

Table 8-96 Getting and Setting User Variables

Task Request REST Resource
Get User Variable Values Defined for the Application GET /HyperionPlanning/rest/{api_version}/applications/{application}/uservariablevalues
Get User Variable Values Defined in the Application by the User Variable Name GET /HyperionPlanning/rest/{api_version}/applications/{application}/uservariablevalues/{variableName}
Get User Variable Values Defined in the Application by Value GET /HyperionPlanning/rest/{api_version}/applications/{application}/uservariablevalues?q={"member":"memberName"}
Get User Variable Values Defined for the Application by the User Name GET /HyperionPlanning/rest/{api_version}/applications/{application}/plantypes/{plantype}/uservariablevalues?q={"username":"userName"}
Get User Variable Values Defined in the Appplication by the User Name and Value GET /HyperionPlanning/rest/{api_version}/applications/{application}/plantypes/{plantype}/uservariablevalues?q={"username":"userName","member":"memberName"}
Set the User Variable Values for the Application POST /HyperionPlanning/rest/{api_version}/applications/{application}/uservariablevalues