Retrieve Child Job Status Details

Use this REST API to get the execution details for the child Job with the specified ID.

Certain types of jobs, such as metadata import and export, create child jobs for each dimension being exported or imported.

The job types for which child details are returned by this service are IMPORT_METADATA and EXPORT_METADATA. Supports paging for jobs of type IMPORT_DATA and EXPORT_DATA using the offset and limit query parameters shown in the table.

Using this REST API requires prerequisites, such as understanding how to use jobs. See Prerequisites. Be sure that you understand how to use jobs as described in Managing Jobs.

Required Roles

Service Administrator

REST Resource

GET     /HyperionPlanning/rest/{api_version}/applications/{application}/jobs/{jobIdentifier}/childjobs/{childJobIdentifier}/details


Supported Media Types: application/json


The following table summarizes the client request.

Table 8-42 Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
api_version Version of the API you are developing with Path Yes None
applicationName The name of the application Path Yes None
jobIdentifier The ID of the job, such as 224 Path Yes None
childJobIdentifier The ID of the child job Path Yes None
childJobID The ID of the child job, such as 8 Path Yes None
messageType Optionally, return messages for a particular message type. If no messageType is provided, returns messages of types ERROR, WARNING, and INFO. Query Yes None
offset For paging of jobs. Indicates the actual index from which the records are returned. It is 0 based. Query No 0
limit For paging of jobs. Controls how many items to return. Defaults to 25 if not specified. Query No 25

Example Requests


Optionally specifying messageType:

https://<BASE-URL>/HyperionPlanning/rest/v3/applications/PS4app1/jobs/145/ childjobs/123/details?q={"messageType":"ERROR"}

Optionally specifying paging for jobs of type IMPORT_METADATA and EXPORT_METADATA with an offset and limit:

https://<BASE-URL>/HyperionPlanning/rest/v3/applications/PS4app1/jobs/145/ childjobs/123/details?q={"messageType":"ERROR"}&offset=0&limit=5


The following table summarizes the response parameters.

Table 8-43 Parameters

Name Description
items The number of records read, such as 8
msgType Message type, such as INFO
msgCategory Message category, such as Argument parsing
msgText Message text

Supported Media Types: application/json

Example of Response Body

The following example shows a response body with messageType = INFO, offset=5, limit=5. Notice the prev and next links.

    "items": [{
        "msgType": "INFO",
        "msgCategory": "Argument parsing",
        "msgText": "The column alias mapping list specified with the /C2A switch did not match a key in the Command Properties file \"null\" so it will be used as the mapping directly: \"(<ignoreUndefined>,@Plan*)\"."
    }, {
        "msgType": "INFO",
        "msgCategory": "Unclassified",
        "msgText": "Header record fields: Entity, Parent, Alias: Default, Alias: SLAliases, Valid For Consolidations, Data Storage, Two Pass Calculation, Description, Formula, UDA, Smart List, Data Type, Hierarchy Type, Enable for Dynamic Children, Number of Possible Dyn..."
    }, {
        "msgType": "INFO",
        "msgCategory": "Dimension, member, or cube retrieval",
        "msgText": "Located and using \"Entity\" dimension for loading data in \"Test2\" application."
    }, {
        "msgType": "INFO",
        "msgCategory": "Unclassified",
        "msgText": "HspOutlineLoad::dateFormatSpecified is true, SessionHalDateFormat stored on session: M/d/yy, sessionId: 759992870"
    }, {
        "msgType": "INFO",
        "msgCategory": "Dimension, member, or cube retrieval",
        "msgText": "Load dimension \"Entity\" has been unlocked successfully."
    "links": [{
        "rel": "self",
        "href": "https://<BASE-URL>/HyperionPlanning/rest/v3/applications/test2/jobs/224/childjobs/12/details?limit=5&offset=5",
        "action": "GET"
    }, {
        "rel": "prev",
        "href": "https:<BASE-URL>/HyperionPlanning/rest/v3/applications/test2/jobs/224/childjobs/12/details?offset=0&limit=5",
        "action": "GET"
    }, {
        "rel": "next",
        "href": "https:/<BASE-URL>/HyperionPlanning/rest/v3/applications/test2/jobs/224/childjobs/12/details?offset=10&limit=5",
        "action": "GET"