Data Options

Set Data options to control the display of data cells.

To set data options:

  1. In the Smart View ribbon, click the Options button, Options button, to launch the Options panel.
  2. In the Options panel, select the Data tab.
  3. Make selections in the Data tab as described below.
  4. Optional: To save your Data tab selections as the default selections for any new content that you import from a data source, select the Advanced tab, and then click Save Current Options as Default.
  5. Click X button to close in the top right corner to close Options.

Data Options for EPM Cloud

Table 6-2 Data Options

Option Description
Row Suppression To streamline the grid, you can suppress rows that contain types of data that you do not need to view.

Note: In suppressed rows, cell references to Excel formulas are not updated.

Zero Suppress rows that contain only zeroes.
Invalid Suppress rows that contain only invalid values.
Missing Suppress rows that contain only cells for which no data exists in the database. No data is not the same as zero. Zero is a data value.
Underscore Suppress rows that contain underscore characters in member names.
Column Suppression To streamline the grid, you can suppress columns that contain types of data that you do not need to view.

Note: In suppressed columns, cell references to Excel formulas are not updated.

Zero Suppress columns that contain only zeroes.
Invalid Display actual data even if it is invalid, rather than #Invalid/Meaningless or other replacement text. If no data exists, the cell is left blank.
Missing Suppress columns that contain cells for which no data exists in the database No data is not the same as zero. Zero is a data value.

If you later clear No Data/Missing, suppressed values are returned only from that point on. You must zoom out and then zoom in on a member to retrieve values that were suppressed while this option was selected.

Underscore Suppress columns that contain underscore characters in member names.
Block Suppression Block Suppression
Suppress Missing Blocks Suppress blocks of cells for which no data exists in the database.
Replacement Replacement

Missing/No Data Label

No Access Label

Data cells may contain missing data or data that you do not have permission to view. In such cells, by default, Smart View displays #Missing or #No Access, respectively, but you can change these labels.

The #Missing replacement label enables you to clear data values from cell intersections. For example, to clear the sales data for New York, manually type #Missing in the cell where Sales and New York intersect, and click Submit. This clears the data value from the database. Subsequent queries on that database will show #Missing at the intersection of Sales and New York.

To change the labels, in any of these fields, enter the text of your choice (or leave the default). Text labels have the advantage of being descriptive, but they cause Excel functions to fail.

In the #Missing field, you can enter #NumericZero to specify numeric zero (0) replacement labels. With #NumericZero, you can use functions, but you cannot submit zeroes to the database (even if the zeroes are actual zeroes and not replacement labels) unless you select the Submit Zero check box. Calculations that are dependent on a cell with a numeric zero label compute correctly and take the value of the cell as zero.


When you enter #NumericZero, ensure that the Submit Zero option is selected to ensure that the parent data is deleted when spreading data for time periods.
Submit Zero If you chose #NumericZero for the #Missing label above, select this option if you want to be able to submit zeroes to the database.
Ad Hoc Mode Ad Hoc Mode
Navigate Without Data Speeds up operations such as Pivot, Zoom, Keep Only, and Remove Only by preventing the calculation of source data while you are navigating. When you are ready to retrieve data, clear Navigate Without Data.
Spreading Spreading
Spreading Enabled Select to enable spreading for time periods in the current form.

This check box must be selected on each sheet for each form that you open.

The setting is preserved when you reopen the saved workbook.

The setting is not preserved if you open the same form in a new or different workbook.


In Chrome, when launching the Options panel, Data tab, the Spreading Enabled check box is not visible, even if the window is maximized. To view the button, at the top right of the Chrome window, click the Maximize/Restore Down button (Maximize button/Restore Down button) until the Spreading Enabled button is visible. Click Maximize button or Restore Down button again to restore the window to the size you require (maximized or resized window).

Data Options for Oracle Essbase

Table 6-3 Data Options

Option Description
Row Suppression To streamline the grid, you can suppress rows that contain types of data that you do not need to view.

Note: In suppressed rows, cell references to Excel formulas are not updated.

Zero Suppress rows that contain only zeroes.
Invalid Suppress rows that contain only invalid values.
Missing Suppress rows that contain only cells for which no data exists in the database. No data is not the same as zero. Zero is a data value.
No Access Suppress rows that contain data that you do not have the security access to view.
Underscore Suppress rows that contain underscore characters in member names.
Replacement Replacement

Missing/No Data Label

No Access Label

Data cells may contain missing data or data that you do not have permission to view. In such cells, by default, Smart View displays #Missing or #No Access, respectively, but you can change these labels.

The #Missing replacement label enables you to clear data values from cell intersections. For example, to clear the sales data for New York, manually type #Missing in the cell where Sales and New York intersect, and click Submit. This clears the data value from the database. Subsequent queries on that database will show #Missing at the intersection of Sales and New York.

To change the labels, in any of these fields, enter the text of your choice (or leave the default). Text labels have the advantage of being descriptive, but they cause Excel functions to fail.

In the #Missing field, you can enter #NumericZero to specify numeric zero (0) replacement labels. With #NumericZero, you can use functions, but you cannot submit zeroes to the database (even if the zeroes are actual zeroes and not replacement labels) unless you select the Submit Zero check box. Calculations that are dependent on a cell with a numeric zero label compute correctly and take the value of the cell as zero.


When you enter #NumericZero, ensure that the Submit Zero option is selected to ensure that the parent data is deleted when spreading data for time periods.
Submit Zero If you chose #NumericZero for the #Missing label above, select this option if you want to be able to submit zeroes to the database.
Ad Hoc Mode Ad Hoc Mode
Navigate Without Data Speeds up operations such as Pivot, Zoom, Keep Only, and Remove Only by preventing the calculation of source data while you are navigating. When you are ready to retrieve data, clear Navigate Without Data.