Member Options

Set Member options to define how members are displayed in forms and ad hoc grids.

To set member options:

  1. In the Smart View ribbon, click the Options button, Options button, to launch the Options panel.
  2. In the Options panel, select the Members tab.
  3. Make selections in the Members tab as described below.
  4. Optional: To apply your Members tab selections to all sheets in the current workbook, click the Apply to All Sheets button.


    Clicking Apply to All Sheets applies the Members tab selections along with any other changes you may have made in the Data and Formatting tabs.
  5. Optional: To save your Members tab selections as the default selections for any new content that you import from a data source, select the Advanced tab, and then click Save Current Options as Default.
  6. Click X button to close in the top right corner to close Options.

Member Options for EPM Cloud

Table 6-4 Member Options

Option Description
General General
Ancestor Placement

Select one of the following to specify ancestor position in hierarchies:

  • Top to display hierarchies in order from highest to lowest level
  • Bottom to display hierarchies in order from lowest to highest level

Select one of the following to specify how hierarchy levels are to be indented:

  • None
  • Subitems to indent descendants. Ancestors are left-justified in the column.
Member Name Display

Select one of the following to specify how to display member names in cells:

  • Member Name or Alias to display member names only or, if an alias table is being used, alias names only.
  • Member Name and Alias to display member names and their aliases.
  • Distinct Member Name Only to display fully qualified names.
Format Members as Text

Select one of the following to specify how to format members as text:

  • Single Quote
  • None
Member Retention Member Retention

For ad hoc grids only.

Include Selection Display the selected member and the members retrieved as a result of the operation.
Within Selected Group Perform ad hoc operations only on the selected group of cells, leaving unselected cells as is. This setting is meaningful only when there are two or more dimensions down the grid as rows or across the grid as columns for Zoom, Keep Only, and Remove Only.
Remove Unselected Groups For Zoom In or Zoom Out, remove all dimensions and members except the selected member and the members retrieved as a result of zooming.
Comments and Formula Comments and Formula
Preserve Formulas and Comments in Ad Hoc Preserves formulas and comments in ad hoc grids.

If you clear this option, the formulas and comments are removed from the grid.


Only Refresh operations are supported when Preserve Formulas and Comments in Ad Hoc is selected. Other ad hoc operations, such as Zoom In or Keep Only, are not supported.

Preserve Comments and Unknown Members Preserves comments and unknown members in ad hoc grids.


Only Refresh operations are supported when Preserve Comments and Unknown Members is selected. Other ad hoc operations, such as Zoom In or Keep Only, are not supported.

Member Options for Oracle Essbase

Table 6-5 Member Options

Option Description
General General
Ancestor Placement

Select one of the following to specify ancestor position in hierarchies:

  • Top to display hierarchies in order from highest to lowest level
  • Bottom to display hierarchies in order from lowest to highest level

Select one of the following to specify how hierarchy levels are to be indented:

  • None
  • Subitems to indent descendants. Ancestors are left-justified in the column.
  • Totals to indent ancestors. Descendants are left-justified in the column.
Member Name Display

Select one of the following to specify how to display member names in cells:

  • Member Name or Alias to display member names only or, if an alias table is being used, alias names only.
  • Distinct Member Name Only to display fully qualified names.
  • Distinct Member Name and Alias to display fully qualified names and their aliases.
Format Members as Text

Select one of the following to specify how to format members as text:

  • Single Quote
  • None
Member Retention Member Retention
Include Selection Display the selected member and the members retrieved as a result of the operation.
Within Selected Group Perform ad hoc operations only on the selected group of cells, leaving unselected cells as is. This setting is meaningful only when there are two or more dimensions down the grid as rows or across the grid as columns for Zoom, Keep Only, and Remove Only.
Remove Unselected Groups For Zoom In or Zoom Out, remove all dimensions and members except the selected member and the members retrieved as a result of zooming.
Comments and Formula Comments and Formula
Preserve Formulas and Comments in Ad Hoc Preserves formulas and comments in ad hoc grids.

If you clear this option, the formulas and comments are removed from the grid.


Only Refresh operations are supported when Preserve Formulas and Comments in Ad Hoc is selected. Other ad hoc operations, such as Zoom In or Keep Only, are not supported.
Formula Fill Propagates formulas associated with member cells to the members retrieved as a result of zooming in.

This option can be selected only if Preserve Formulas and Comments in Ad Hoc is selected.


This option applies to formulas in both member and data cells.

Preserve Comments and Unknown Members Preserves comments and unknown members in ad hoc grids.

Your spreadsheet may contain members that do not match database members. Selecting this option allows you to refresh an ad hoc grid with no warning message about comments or unknown members. To display messages about comments and unknown members, ensure that this option is cleared.

This option can be selected only if Preserve Formulas and Comments in Ad Hoc is selected.

Note: Only Refresh operations are supported when Preserve Comments and Unknown Members is selected. Other ad hoc operations, such as Zoom In or Keep Only, are not supported.