Formatting Options

Set Formatting options to control the textual display of members and data.


  • Most formatting options apply to both forms and ad hoc grids. Exceptions are noted in Table 6-6.
  • Formatting options are sheet-level options that are specific to the sheet for which they are set. Formatting options can also be saved for any new content that you import from a data source using the Save Current Options as Default command.
  • Formatting options are saved when a workbook is saved. You will see the saved formatting options when you reopen the workbook.

To set formatting options:

  1. In the Smart View ribbon, click the Options button, Options button, to launch the Options panel.
  2. In the Options panel, select the Formatting tab.
  3. Make selections in the Formatting tab as described below.
  4. Optional: To apply your Formatting tab selections to all sheets in the current workbook, click the Apply to All Sheets button.


    Clicking Apply to All Sheets applies the Formatting tab selections along with any other changes you may have made in the Data and Members tabs.
  5. Optional: To save your Formatting tab selections as the default selections for any new content that you import from a data source, select the Advanced tab, and then click Save Current Options as Default.
  6. Click X button to close in the top right corner to close Options.

Formatting Options for EPM Cloud

Table 6-6 Formatting Options

Option Description
Dimension Headers

For ad hoc grids only.

Print headers above row dimensions in the grid.

For example, with Dimensions Headers not selected:

Without Dimensions Headers

With Dimension Headers selected:

With Dimension Headers

Repeat Member Labels

For forms only.

Facilitates the readability of forms by allowing member names to appear on each row of data.

In forms where repeated members are merged into one cell, member names may be out of the screen view, necessitating much back and forth scrolling between the member names and the row data. Selecting Repeat Member Labels helps make forms easier to read and use.

Use Thousands Separator Use a comma or other thousands separator in numerical data.

Do not use # or $ as the thousands separator in Excel International Options.

Number of Decimal Places Applies to ad hoc and forms. Overrides the setting defined in the form definition.

Specify a decimal scale for the data values.

For example, in Smart View, assume the decimal option selected is "1". All values will change one decimal place to the right. If the original value is 50.56, then after refresh the value will be displayed as 50.6. Similarly, if the option selected is "3", then the displayed value will be 50.560.

The decimal settings in the form definition are lost when you open the form in Oracle Smart View for Office. This is because Excel formatting only accepts a single value fixed decimal length/value for precision and does not support the minimum, maximum value defined in the web application. This is the default behavior of Excel formatting and this is the behavior in Smart View as well. In Smart View, users must set the Decimal Places option (precision length) to be able to view the decimal value in cell.

Adjust Column Width

Adjusts the column width to fit cell contents automatically.

Use Cell Styles

For ad hoc grids only.

Use background color formatting that you define for member styles, data styles, and miscellaneous styles (where applicable). Overrides any user or Excel formatting.

You can set different cell styles for forms and ad hoc grids. For example, in forms, you can set the member background color to green, and in ad hoc grids, you can set the member background color to blue.


By default, when you start ad hoc analysis, Use Cell Styles is not enabled. So a form may display styles, but the same may seem to disappear if you open it as an ad hoc grid. See Using Smart View Formatting (Cell Styles) for more information working with cell styles in ad hoc grids.

Apply Styles

For forms only.

Once a form is rendered within Smart View, select an option to view the formatting on the sheet:

  • None—Applies no styles (Excel formatting or Smart View cell styles) to the sheet. Though cell styles or custom styles may exist on the sheet, neither are shown when selecting this option. They are preserved, however, if you want to display them later using the Cell styles, Custom styles, or Custom and cell styles options.

  • Cell styles—Applies only Smart View cell styles to the sheet, as described in this table.

  • Custom styles—Applies only custom user-defined native Excel formatting to the sheet.

  • Custom and cell styles—Applies both Excel formatting and Smart View cell styles to the sheet.

    Note that when you select Custom and cell styles, cell styles take precedent over custom Excel formatting.

After making a selection, refresh the sheet.

Cell Styles Cell Styles
Member Styles Set the background color for the following member styles:
  • Member
  • Formula (forms only)
Data Styles Set the background color for the following data styles:
  • Dirty
  • Locked (forms only)
  • Cell Text (these are cell comments in EPM Cloud)
  • Attachment
  • Drill-through
  • Supporting Details
  • Read-only
  • Data
Miscellaneous Styles Set the background color for the following miscellaneous styles:
  • Dimension Header (ad hoc only)
  • Comment (these are comments placed outside the grid)
  • Custom Label
  • Excel Formula in Form (forms only)

Formatting Options for Oracle Essbase

Table 6-7 Formatting Options

Option Description
Dimension Headers

Print headers above row dimensions in the grid.

For example, with Dimensions Headers not selected:

Without Dimensions Headers

With Dimension Headers selected:

With Dimension Headers

Repeat Member Labels

Facilitates the readability of forms by allowing member names to appear on each row of data.

Where repeated members are merged into one cell, member names may be out of the screen view, necessitating much back and forth scrolling between the member names and the row data. Selecting Repeat Member Labels helps make it easier to read and use.

Use Thousands Separator Use a comma or other thousands separator in numerical data. Do not use # or $ as the thousands separator in Excel International Options.
Number of Decimal Places

Specify a decimal scale for the data values.

For example, in Smart View, assume the decimal option selected is "1". All values will change one decimal place to the right. If the original value is 50.56, then after refresh the value will be displayed as 50.6. Similarly, if the option selected is "3", then the displayed value will be 50.560.

The decimal settings in the form definition are lost when you open the form in Smart View. This is because Excel formatting only accepts a single value fixed decimal length/value for precision and does not support the minimum, maximum value defined in the web application. This is the default behavior of Excel formatting and this is the behavior in Smart View as well. In Smart View, users must set the Decimal Places option (precision length) to be able to view the decimal value in cell.

Use Cell Styles

Use background color formatting that you define for member styles, data styles, and miscellaneous styles (where applicable). Overrides any user or Excel formatting.

You can set different cell styles for forms and ad hoc grids. For example, in forms, you can set the member background color to green, and in ad hoc grids, you can set the member background color to blue.


By default, when you start ad hoc analysis, Use Cell Styles is not enabled. See Using Smart View Formatting (Cell Styles) for more information working with cell styles.

Adjust Column Width Adjusts the column width to fit cell contents automatically.
Cell Styles Cell Styles
Member Styles Set the background color for the following member styles:
  • Attribute
  • Shared
  • Parent
  • Child
  • Member
  • Duplicate Member
  • Member Drill-through
  • Formula
Data Styles Set the background color for the following data styles:
  • Dirty
  • Drill-through
  • Read-only
  • Data
Miscellaneous Styles Set the background color for the following miscellaneous styles:
  • Dimension Header (ad hoc only)
  • Comment (these are comments placed outside the grid)