Deleting Comments

Data source types: Oracle Essbase

Be sure to complete the steps in Enabling Comment Display in the Sheet.


The procedure in this topic shows you how to delete comments using the View Comments command and the Comment Edit dialog box in Oracle Smart View for Office. You can also delete comments directly in the grid, without using the Smart View interface elements in this topic.

To delete comments:

  1. If you have not already done so, open a workbook containing a grid, connect to an Oracle Essbase provider, and click Refresh.
  2. Click View Comments in the Essbase ribbon (see Figure 10-23).

    The Comment Edit dialog box is launched. The example in Figure 10-29 shows one comment left on the sheet, which can be removed.

    Figure 10-29 Comment Edit Dialog Box

    The Comment Edit dialog box, showing one comment, which can be removed.
  3. To delete the entire comment, first click in the row to highlight the editable text; for example, click in the "Oregon Coast" row to highlight it, as shown in Figure 10-30, then press the Delete key.

    Figure 10-30 Comment Highlighted and Ready to be Deleted

    Comment highlighted and ready to be deleted in Comment Edit dialog box.

    After deletion, the text in the Comments column is removed, but the Cell ID is still displayed (see Figure 10-31).

    Figure 10-31 Comment Deleted, Cell ID Remaining

    The comment is deleted from the Comment Edit dialog box, the Cell ID remains.
  4. Click Apply Changes and view the changes in the sheet.

    In Figure 10-32, cell F4 still shows as a commented cell, and will until the sheet is refreshed.

    Figure 10-32 Sheet After Clicking Apply Changes; Cell F4 Still Commented

    Grid After Clicking Apply Changes; Cell F4 Still Commented
  5. Click Refresh; the comment style is cleared.

    Figure 10-33 Grid After Refresh, Cell Style in Cell F4 Is Cleared

    After Refresh, the cell style on cell F4 is now cleared.