Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior

In 21.08+, all new applications and all recreated applications use only the Standard setting for the Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior option. In these cases, the Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior option is not selectable.


Existing and migrated applications will not experience any change in behavior, and Native will remain as the default Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior setting, with Standard being an option.

The Native mode Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior setting will eventually be phased out (timeline is yet to be determined). If you are using the Native mode option, Oracle recommends that you plan on switching your Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior application setting to Standard mode.

In pre-21.08 applications and migrated web applications, your administrator can choose to enable enhanced ad hoc features and behaviors using the application setting, Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior. These are the options

  • Native—Does not enable enhanced ad hoc features.

  • Standard—Enables enhanced ad hoc features.

Standard-mode applications give you these ad hoc features and behaviors:

When the Ad Hoc Behavior option is set to Standard, the following features and functionality are not supported:

  • Create Smart Forms

  • Open a native mode grid in standard mode; open a standard mode grid in native mode (see Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior Setting and Saved Ad Hoc Grids)

  • HSACTIVE is supported on multiple-grid sheets only when using a private connection; HSACTIVE on a multiple-grid sheet using a shared connection is not supported

  • Zoom In on Formulas

  • Preserve Formula is disabled in multiple-grid sheets

The topics that follow give you more insight into Standard-mode behaviors in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.

Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior Setting and Saved Ad Hoc Grids

The Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior option setting for your application affects which saved ad hoc grids users can open and work with.

When administrators switch the Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior option setting between Native and Standard, ad hoc grids built and saved in one mode can be opened with limitations noted in the following table.

Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior Mode Created and Saved In Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior Mode Opened and Refreshed In Supported
Standard Standard Yes
Standard Native No
Native Standard Yes
Native Native Yes

For example:

  • When the Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior option is set to Standard, users can open and refresh saved ad hoc grids that were created while the service was set to Standard or Native.

  • When the Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior option is set to Native, users can only open and refresh saved ad hoc grids that were created while the service was set to Native.

    Users attempting to open and refresh a grid that was created while the Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior option was set to Standard will see an error message. To open and refresh an ad hoc grid that was created while the Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior option was set to Native, ensure that the Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior option is set to Native.

Administrators: Set the Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior option in the application configuration options page for your service. See the administration documentation for your service for more information.

Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior Setting and Non-Admin Access to Valid Members

In ad hoc grids in Standard mode, when a non-admin user does not have an access to a valid member, then this member will be handled as a comment, and no data is displayed upon refresh. The non-admin user should not be able to distinguish between members to which he or she does not have access and comments.

Consider the following scenarios with multiple dimensions on a row, where C1 is a comment or a member to which a non-admin user does not have access:

  1. C1 is placed on the innermost row dimension location. M1 and M2 are actual valid members that the non-admin user has access to. M1 and M2 are placed on the same row as C1. After refresh, the valid members will be removed; for example

    Row dimensions:

    M1          M2          C1

    After refresh

    Blank       Blank       C1

  2. C1 is not placed on the innermost dimension location. Instead, a valid member, M3. is placed on the innermost location in this row. The comment, C1, will be removed on refresh and replaced with the previous top valid member on that dimension; for example:

    Row dimensions:

    M1          M2          M3

    M1          C1          M4

    After refresh

    M1          M2          M3

    M1          M2          M4

This approach helps to avoid a mix of valid members and comments on the same row, which could could cause confusion to the user.

Note the following:

  • If a row consists completely of blank cells and comments, it will not be changed on refresh.

  • The very first row or column is a special case as it controls grid boundaries. Mixing and matching members and comments on that row or column can result in a message about an invalid grid. This is intentional.

Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior Setting and Member Selection

In Smart View, when connected to a Standard mode application (20.09+), the dimension or member from which you invoke Member Selection is shown as the selected dimension in the dialog. In Standard mode, there is no need to refresh the grid before selecting a different dimension or member on the grid, and invoking Member Selection. The selected dimension will be shown in Member Selection by default.

Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior Setting and Row/Column Suppression Options

In Standard mode, certain row and column suppression options in the Options dialog in Smart View are not supported, although they appear as selectable in the dialog.

  • Row Suppression Options not supported in Standard mode:

    • No Access

    • Invalid

    • Underscore Character

  • Column Suppression Options not supported in Standard mode:

    • No Data/Missing

    • Zero

    • No Access


Selecting the No Access suppression option for rows or columns results in this error message upon refresh:

No Access suppression option is not supported.

Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior Setting and Additional Zoom In Options

In Standard mode, these additional commands are available from the drop-down menu on the Zoom In button in the provider ad hoc ribbon:

  • Sibling Level—Select to retrieve data for the siblings of the selected member or members. For example, in the Vision sample database, a zoom in operation on Jan retrieves Jan, Feb, and Mar.

  • Same Level—Select to retrieve data for all members at the same level as the selected member or members. For example, in the Vision sample database, a zoom in on Q1 retrieves Q2, Q3, and Q4.

  • Same Generation—Select to retrieve data for all members of the same generation as the selected member or members. For example, in the Vision sample database, a zoom in on Q1 retrieves Q2, Q3, and Q4.

Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior Setting and Multiple-cell Select for Ad Hoc Operations

In Standard mode, you can select multiple row or column member cells and then perform any of the following actions:

  • Zoom In, including any of the zoom options, such as Bottom Level or Same Generation.

  • Zoom Out. Zooming out collapses the view to the next upper level.

  • Keep Only and Remove Only. Note that the integrity and validity of the grid must be maintained. If your selections cause an issue with the grid, Smart View display a warning message informing you of the issue, and no change is made to the grid.

Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior Setting and Suppressing Repeated Members

Grids can contain members that are repeated on multiple rows. To simplify the view and improve readability for users, these repeated members can be suppressed in ad hoc grids when connected to Standard-mode applications.

Prior to 22.08, suppressing repeated members was only supported when connected to Native mode applications.

To suppress repeated members in ad hoc grids, open an ad hoc grid with repeated members, select the Repeated Members check box in the Suppress Rows section of the Options dialog, Data Options tab. Then refresh the sheet and note that the repeated members are no longer seen in the ad hoc grid.


When repeated members are suppressed in an ad hoc grid, any formatting changes done for data cells corresponding to the repeated members cannot be preserved using the Preserve Format option and are lost on refreshing the grid.

Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior Setting and Member Name and Alias Display

Starting in 22.08, you can use the Member Name Display option, Member Name and Alias, to display both the member names and their aliases in separate columns on row dimensions in ad hoc grids when connected to a Standard-mode application.

With Member Name and Alias selected, you can create ad hoc grids that display in your worksheet both the database member name, which is often a stock number or product code, and the member's alias name, which can be more descriptive than the member name.

Additionally, the side-by-side display of member names and aliases is a common feature in Essbase ad hoc, which helps in migrating worksheets maintained in Essbase into the FreeForm business process in EPM Cloud.

To display both member names and their aliases in ad hoc grids, open an ad hoc grid, select the Member Name Display option, Member Name and Alias, in the General section of the Options dialog, Member Options tab. Then refresh the sheet and note that the member names and their aliases are displayed on the sheet.


  • When the Member Name and Alias option is selected, an error is displayed if duplicate aliases appear in a row or column heading cell, whether they are hand-typed or the result of an ad hoc operation such as Zoom In or Keep Only.

  • The Member Name and Alias option is not supported for flex forms.