Getting Help

If the preceding information fails to resolve your issue, seek help from Oracle.

  1. Generate a Fiddler trace file of your session while performing the activity that results in a functional or performance issue. See Using Fiddler to Capture Diagnostic Information.

    Watch this overview video for information on configuring Fiddler to capture HTTPS traffic.

    Video icon Overview Video

    If you are unable to generate a Fiddler trace file of your session, see Collecting Network Performance Trace Using a Browser for information on collecting network trace using a browser.

  2. Create a Provide Feedback submission, which includes the steps (and screenshots) leading up to the occurrence of this issue.

    Optionally, allow Oracle to access the maintenance snapshot of the environment by consenting to application snapshot submission. See Creating a Provide Feedback Submission.

  3. Create a technical service request that identifies the Provide Feedback reference number. See Submitting a Technical Service Request. The service request must contain the following additional information:
    • Fiddler trace or network diagnostic HAR file that you created in Step 1.
    • Microsoft Windows version.
    • Microsoft Office version being used.
    • Smart View version being used.
    • Detailed steps to reproduce the issue.
    • Is the language setting the same across the Operating System, Microsoft Excel, Smart View, and User Preferences?
    • If the issue is with Enterprise Journals, is the Smart View connection to Enterprise Journal successful?
    • Did this issue start after the latest monthly update?
    • If the performance was acceptable previously, but is not now, the date, time, and time zone when performance was acceptable.
    • Snapshot of the environment, if available, from the last time when the performance was acceptable.
    • Changes that you made to the application since the last time when the performance was acceptable.
    • Whether this is a critical outage.