Reviewing the Activity Report to Identify Candidates for Optimization

The Activity Report contains information on the impact of the calculation scripts used by the application on overall performance.

See Reviewing the Activity Report to Identify Performance Bottlenecks. Carefully review the following sections of the report to identify the business rules that are taking the longest time to execute.

  • Top 10 Longest Performing Business Rules over 30 Seconds, which identifies the business rules that take the most time to run, and are candidates for optimization.
  • Top 5 Longest Performing Calc Scripts Commands over 1 Min, which identifies specific sections in a rule that take a long time to execute and should be reviewed to improve performance.

Begin by identifying the name of the calculation scripts that are reported as being the worst performers. For example, the areas highlighted in red in the following illustration show the names of the scripts reported among the top 5 longest performing scripts.
List of Top 5 Longest Performing Calc Scripts Commands over 1 Min