3 Viewing and Interacting with Books

Learning About Books

Books provide the ability to group together one or more Reports, Books and other documents, to generate a single PDF output. You can optionally include a customizable Table of Contents (TOC), using a Word document with a TOC definition inserted, and common margins, page headers and footers.

Reports can be run for multiple member selections. For example, you can run one or more reports for several Departments or Entities. You can insert Sections to loop through multiple reports and member selections. Sections can also be used to group reports at one level for TOC display.

High level features include:

  • You can insert Reports, other Books, Word and PDF documents into the Book. Word and PDF documents need to be uploaded to the Library, they cannot be inserted from a local file system.

  • You can customize the Table of Contents formatting and layout, as well as the information displayed for each document in the Book.

  • You can select Point of View (POV) members to cascade for each report or section.

  • You can select the POV at the time of executing the Book.

  • You can create multiple levels of Sections that can be utilized to cascade at different hierarchy levels and dimension selections.

  • You can use Page Setup feature to define page numbers, margins and header and footer.

When creating a book, keep in mind the following points:

  • In first release, Books feature is limited to one data source per Book.

  • You must set the Prompts from the Book Designer, and cannot be responded to at runtime when running the Book.

  • When you add a PDF or Microsoft Word file to a book, then user POV bar is not displayed for such document.


When you add a document to a book, it is referencing a link to the library. The actual document will not be copied to the book.

Actually, the TOC definition gets copied to the book, and it is not linked to the source document in the Library.