Opening Doclets and Reviewing the Mapping Tool Functionality

Using the Mapping Tool, you can map, review and validate the fact values in your doclets to the XBRL taxonomy concepts.
In this section, the Balance Sheet and All Notes doclets will be opened and XBRL mapping reviewed for both doclets.
  1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View
  2. Open a Disclosure Management report.
  3. In the Disclosure Management ribbon, select manage to open the Report Manager.
  4. Select the BalSheet.xlsx doclet, right-click and select Open. The BalSheet.xlsx doclet will be opened in Microsoft Excel, you need to re-enter user credentials, if prompted.

    report manager dialog
  5. In Microsoft Excel, click mapping tool to open the Mapping Tool. The doclet needs to be checked out to view the XBRL mappings, click check out.
  6. In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select Concept tab, expand the taxonomy tree and double-click on Cash and cash equivalents concept. For more information about the concept, select the Details panel.

    In Mapping Tool, selecting a required concept


    Before mapping the concept, you need to check if the mapped cells are highlighted in the Microsoft Excel sheet, to prevent double tagging the concept.

    mapping cell is highlighted in the spreadsheet
  7. In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select Context tab to set the dates and type of Context (Instant or Duration). The context represents time period and entity information. You can view the dates and type of Context (Instant or Duration) for each.

    Context Tab
  8. In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select Unit tab to set the unit of measure. Units represent unit of measure, for example, currency such as USD or Shares.

    Units Tab


    Footnotes are used in cases where there is a numbered footnote on a grid cell, which need to be captured as part of the XBRL mapping. There are none in the Vision 10Q Sample.

  9. In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select Variable tab. You can view the list of variables are used for period labels, data embedded in paragraphs, common hyperlinks, and so on. The Vision 10Q Sample has variables, but they are not used anywhere.

    Variables Tab
  10. In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select Review tab to verify all the existing mappings. The Review tab enables you to review all the existing mappings for the opened Excel or Word doclet. In the review mode, you can remove, modify, and edit mappings.

    Review Tab

    If you double-click on the first row (Cash and Cash Equivalents, Mapped Value = 14,882), then the corresponding mapped cell value is highlighted in Excel and the bottom panel displays information about the mapped value. If you want to edit the mapping, you can make the changes in the bottom panel.

    highlight the value in the review tab, to verify the same in the mapped cell
  11. In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, click List View item. The List view displays individual concepts, contexts and units. You can perform an action either using Actions menu or Toolbar button. You can double-click on Concept, Context or Unit tabs to view the List view that will display mapped items simultaneously.


    The view change may take some time to process, depending on the number of items under a parent node in the List View.

    List View Or Tree View
  12. In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, click export icon, select the file Type that you would like to export, and then click Export.

    exporting the report file
  13. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Validate, and then click XBRL.

    You can validate the mappings in a doclet or report, with any resulting validation error messages displayed in the Validation tab.
    validate option

    In the Validation tab, if any validation errors are displayed, then you need to rectify or fix it. In this doclet, there are no validation errors.
    validation errors

  14. Optional: In the Disclosure Management ribbon, select manage to open the Report Manager. XBRL mappings may be found on either Word or Excel doclets. Not all the doclets in the Sample report have XBRL mappings however, as they are not required (TOC, MGMT Discussion, and so on). Open a doclet to review the different levels of XBRL mapping required by the SEC.

    In this example, let's select the 5 – All Notes.docx doclet, right-click and then click Open.

    Opening a doclet
  15. Optional: In Microsoft Word, click mapping tool to open the Mapping Tool. The doclet needs to be checked out to view the XBRL mappings, click check out
  16. Optional: In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select Review tab to verify all the existing mappings.

    If you double-click on the first row BASIS OF PRESENTATION, then the corresponding mapped text value is highlighted in Microsoft Word and the bottom panel displays information about the mapped value. The text highlighting may take a few seconds to process. To apply a Level 1, Text Block tag the user must highlight the entire disclosure to map it.

    review mappings

    If you double-click on the second row Non-Operating Income, net, then the corresponding mapped table value is highlighted in Microsoft Word and the bottom panel displays information about the mapped value. The text highlighting may take a few seconds to process. This identifies that a Level 3 Table Text Block tag has been applied to this table.

    level 3 tag review

    If you double-click on the forth row Money market funds, then the corresponding mapped cell value is highlighted in Microsoft Word and the bottom panel displays information about the mapped value. The text highlighting may take a few seconds to process. The Level 4 tagging for a table, where within each footnote, each numerical value (in text and tables) should be detail tagged as done in the financial statements.

    Level 4 Tag Verification