Tagging Indirect Data Sources

When working with Excel tables, Oracle recommends that you apply XBRL tags to the Presentation worksheet (sheet1), and then reference (link) them to the appropriate Oracle Smart View for Office worksheet (sheet2) responsible for the data refresh. This preserves the formatting, bookmarks and XBRL tags on the Presentation worksheet, and enables the Smart View grid to get refreshed with current data.

To select multiple source information:

  1. Create an Excel doclet as sheet1 and add it to the Disclosure Management report.

  2. Create the Smart View grid for the data source on sheet2.

  3. Reference the cells on sheet one to be tagged on sheet2.

  4. Tag the new table.

Disclosure Management extends functionality by storing mapping information on the server instead of the document. Key features associated with this functionality include:

  • Centralized storage of mappings, which contains up-to-date information about the concepts, contexts, and units referenced in the document. Only fact values are stored with the document, the loss of concept specific data is minimized.

  • Preparing data for instance generation is faster.

  • Context and units for facts can be changed independent of the original document.

  • You can create facts not associated with the document content (for example, "nil" values).

  • Disclosure Management validates compatibility between the period type of a concept and the period type of a context at the time of mapping (before instance generation and validation).

  • An organized validation of compatibility is performed between dimensions and primary items.

  • Multiple mappings on the same value are now available.

  • A prompt that allows you to choose either one or multiple source for mapping an item.

XBRL contexts, units, and footnotes can be mapped after the data is in the Office document, but these maps persist only at the report or document level.

Navigating Between Smart View and Disclosure Management

Disclosure Management is an extension of Smart View. You can work with Disclosure Management components (Report Manager and Mapping Tool) in Smart View by using the panel's "Switch to" switch to drop-down menu whenever you are connected to Disclosure Management.

To work with Disclosure Management components in Smart View, select Panel located on the ribbon. In the Smart View panel, select switch to drop-down menu, and then select Disclosure Management Mapping Tool or Disclosure Management Report Manager.

To work with the entire Disclosure Management product, click the Disclosure Management tab.

To work with the entire Smart View program, click the Smart View tab. See Oracle Smart View for Office User's Guide