Adding Report Content to a Reference File

Using native Microsoft Office Excel functionality create report contents, for example, tables, and graphs. The source of the data can be from Oracle Smart View for Office data queries, forms, reports, any other Microsoft Office Excel designed report, or Microsoft Office Excel system which has an Microsoft Office Excel integration. You can create multiple report content from a single Microsoft Office Excel workbook. You can then save this Excel file as your Reference file to use in one of your doclets.

To add report content to a Reference file:

  1. Design report content such as tables and graphs.


    Prior to designing and creating content in Microsoft Office Excel, such as tables, text, and charts modify the Microsoft Office Excel workbook to use fonts that are available on the Narrative Reporting server. This also includes changing the default font for the Normal style in your Microsoft Office Excel workbook, which impacts column width. For more information on changing the default font for the Normal style in your Microsoft Office Excel workbook, see Microsoft's website.
  2. Highlight the cells of the content in the Microsoft Office Excel file you want to use in your doclet. For floating objects like charts and graphs, size the object to fit within the rows and columns then select the cells behind the object.
    Embedded content in an Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet.
  3. From Microsoft Office Excel, select Name Manager and define a new named range for the selected cells.
    Guidelines for named ranges:
    • Is not referring to a formula or constant or structured reference.
    • Is not hidden.
    • Does not have a dynamically calculated reference, for example the reference must point to an absolute range of cells, rather than relying on a reference formula or another named range to dynamically determine the range.
    • Does not contain any errors, for example a "#REF!" error.
    • The named range should not have any inter-workbook hyperlinks associated with them. For example, if a named range called "CurYearSales" is to be used as an embedded content source, there should be no hyperlinks within the workbook that point to the name "CurYearSales".

    • Is on one worksheet.
  4. When you are done creating your Reference file in Microsoft Office Excel, save it locally.