Editing Static Variables

To edit static variables:
  1. From Library or Report Packages on the Home page, select the report package for which you want to change the static variables.
  2. On the Report Center, click the Variables tab Variable tab icon, and select the static variable that you want to modify.
  3. Click the number in the In Use column for the variable to see all locations that the variable is being used.
  4. Select the variables that you want to edit, using one of the following options:
    • To edit a single variable, under Actions, select Edit.
      Edit a single static variable.
    • To edit multiple variables at one time, click Ctrl as you select each variable, and then select the Actions button button and select Edit.
  5. Modify the Name, Description or Value, and then click OK.


    The change is reflected on the Variables tab. The system opens the Excel file and updates the variable value. It does not recalculate the reference file.impacted is displayed next to any impacted doclet.

  6. From the report center, an impacted is displayed next to the impacted doclet.
    Example of doclet with updated variable.
  7. In order to clear the impacted indication, you need to recalculate the reference file in Excel.
  8. Select impacted. A message is displayed stating you need to recalculate the reference file in Excel. You must download the impacted Excel file and open it within Excel. Excel recalculates the spreadsheet (typically this is done automatically.) You may also need to execute additional macros.
  9. After you have recalculated, in order to clear this message and impacted next to the doclet impacted, select
    , Eraser icon.. By selecting Eraser icon., it clears the error message as well as impacted next to the impacted reference file.
  10. Preview the Report Package to ensure your changes have been correctly modified. See Previewing Variables in the Report Package .
  11. Upload the doclet impacted and check it back in.