Defining a Custom Calculation Rule Target

Define the target range for the calculation and the formula to execute for all cells in the target range.

When you first access the Target tab, the required Entity and Account dimensions, the optional Currency dimension if you have a multicurrency application, and any custom dimensions in your application are displayed under Target Dimensions. (If you have defined and enabled a Rule Set Context or a Model Context, any dimensions defined in the Rule Set Context or a Model Context are not displayed. See Understanding Model and Rule Set Context.)

To define a custom calculation rule target:

  1. On the Target tab, click the drop down, and select a Result Dimension.

  2. Enter the MDX formula for the custom calculation rule.

    If you have a large formula, click Expand to expand the formula text box to a larger pop-up window. After you enter a formula, click Validate to ensure that the formula is valid.

    See Formula Syntax for Custom Calculation Rules and Skipping Empty Tuples to Optimize Custom Calculations for information on how to create the formula.

  3. Select a member or members for each target dimension.

    You must select a member for every dimension. If a dimension does not apply to the data in your rule, select the No<dimname> member. See Dimension and Member Requirements When Creating Rules.


    The dimension you selected for the Result Dimension is not included as a target dimension since a member from the result dimension must appear in the left hand (results side) of the formula.

    To select members, expand a target dimension, click Add Target, and then click Invoke Member Selector icon to invoke the Select Members dialog box. See Using the Member Selector.

    If you have a large number of members to add to the target dimensions and you know the member names, instead of adding each member one-by-one from the Select Members dialog box, you can click Target Dimension Member Editor icon to the right of the Target Dimensions heading and enter the members in the Dimension Member Editor.

    For example, if you have a list of members in an Excel spreadsheet, you can copy these members from Excel, and then paste them into the Dimension Member Editor. The members will be added to the dimensions in the target to which they were assigned when the dimensions were created. See Adding Members to a Dimension.


    The members you enter in the Dimension Member Editor can be assigned to any applicable dimension in the target. To add multiple members to a specific dimension, click Target Dimension Member Editor icon next to the dimension.

    You can also click Target Dimension Member Editor icon next to a dimension, and select one of the following options:

    • Add Multiple Target Members: Accesses a dialog box where you can assign multiple members to the dimension at one time instead of having to individually select each member.

    • Calculation Segmentation: If selected, rules are segmented into smaller rules to execute separately. This enables the calculation to process rules with a very large data range, which would otherwise be too large for Oracle Essbase to process. Calculation segmentation is enabled for up to two dimensions in each rule.


      You should use Calculation Segmentation only when your source range is extremely large and sparsely populated. As a best practice, you should call support before proceeding with this option.

    • Clear <Dimname> Selections: Clears all of the members you have selected for the target dimension.

      To remove an individual member, click on the member, and then select Remove<MemberName>, where <MemberName> is the name of the member you are removing.


See Managing Filters for Target Members for information on how to filter the target members used in a rule.