General Tab

The first step in creating a user type is to define the general settings such as, user type name, access, and permissions.

This table describes the fields available on the General tab:

Setting Description Notes
User Type Info
Label A unique identifier of the user type. Required. No spaces are allowed.
Name A user-friendly name that describes the user type. Required. Spaces are allowed.
Active Indicates whether the user type is active. Activating a user type simply makes it assignable to users. Inactive user types still apply to users that are assigned to them.
Login Policy Defines the user authentication method to Oracle Field Service None
Assigned resource types Shows the resource types available for this user type. To change the assigned resource types, click the pencil icon. You cannot remove a resource type if any users are currently assigned to this user type.
Can create users of these user types Lists the user types that this user type can create.

Inactive user types are greyed out and cannot be created by this user type.

Permission to create user types is reciprocal. For example, if user type Manager can create user type Dispatcher, user type Dispatcher can create user type Manager.

To change the user types this user type can create, click the pencil icon.

Can be created by users of following user types Lists the user types that can create the current user type.

Inactive user types are greyed out.

Permission to create user types is reciprocal. For example, if user type Manager can create user type Dispatcher, user type Dispatcher can create user type Manager.

Access Settings
Allow access to web application When enabled, users of the current type can use the unified Core Application to manage dispatch operations. None
Allow access via installed application for Android When enabled, users can access the application through the Oracle Field Service Mobile for Android application. None
Allow access via installed application for iOS When enabled, users can access the application through the Oracle Field Service Mobile for iOS application. None
Maps When enabled, the user can access the Map View on the Activities, Quota, and Resource Work Zones pages. None
Enable GPS Telemetry When enabled, the user's geopositioning information can be collected directly from the user's device. None
Disable route activation when geolocation is not enabled on device When selected, users can't activate the route if they haven't enabled the location settings on their device. None
Limit location gathering to installed Android or iOS applications When selected, Oracle Field Service collects the location details only for the installed applications. If you don’t select this permission, the application collects the location details from all the interfaces that the field resource has logged in to. Be aware that even if you select this option, resource positions can still be sent through APIs.
Allow user feedback When selected, Oracle Field Service Android and iOS app users can see the Like and Dislike icons on either the My Route or Activity List page. Using these icons users can provide feedback about the app to Oracle. None
Enable Smart Location alerts When enabled, the user can receive alerts on their mobile device whenever any compliance issues have occurred and have been identified by the SmartLocation module. None
Use real-time traffic data When enabled, the check box, Show Traffic is shown on the Map view. Users can select the Show Traffic check box to view the current traffic data in the selected route. This option isn't available for Contingent Workers (set as ‘Resource is a Contingent Worker’ parameter in Manage, under Configuration, and Resource Types).

The real-time update is available to users of Oracle Field Service Enterprise when Oracle Field Service Standard Map Cloud Service with Google Maps or Baidu Maps is part of your subscription.

Display Inventory using a table format When selected, inventory is displayed in a tabular format. When not selected, inventory is displayed as a list, grouped by Inventory Type. None
Allow access to required inventory When enabled, the user can access the Required inventory functionality and perform all related actions. The Required Inventory permission for Manage is implemented as visibility for the Required Inventory tab in the Add activity or Activity details context.
Parts Catalog When enabled, the user can search for particular spare parts in the catalog using the standard search function. None
Collaboration Select the check box to view the collaboration settings. None
Allow inventory move via chat In addition to chat functions, allows the user to transfer inventory via chat. None
Allow image sharing via chat In addition to chat functions, allows the user to share images via chat. None
Allow activity move via chat In addition to chat functions, allows the user to transfer activities via chat. None
Allow Video Call When enabled, the setting allows the user type to access the Video Chat functionality. None
Activity Management
Allow activity move between resources When enabled, the user can move an activity from one resource to another None
Allow activity move from non-scheduled pool to scheduled one When enabled, the user can convert a non-scheduled activity to one that's scheduled. None
Allow access to non-scheduled pool When enabled, the user can access the pool of non-scheduled activities and perform actions to them. None
Allow activity reorder inside the route When enabled, the user can change the position of an activity in the route. None
Allow activity reschedule/move to non-scheduled pool When enabled, the user can move an activity to a different date or make it non-scheduled. None
Allow activity deletion When enabled, the user can delete an activity together with canceling it. Otherwise, a canceled activity remains in the application. None
Ignore work zones/work skills mismatch on activity move When enabled, the user can move activities to resources with work zones and/or work skills not matching those of the activity. None
Allow repeating/mass activity creation When enabled, the user can create mass and repeating activities. None
Set action time When enabled, the user can adjust the time for activity actions and route activation manually. When not enabled, the action time is logged as the current time. None
Display the remaining Activity Time When enabled, the activity work progress countdown is displayed. None
Allow next activity selection on Complete When enabled, the user completing an activity can select the next activity to start. Otherwise, only the next activity in the route can be started. None
Display and allow adjustment of remaining Travel Time When enabled, the Travel Time Countdown is displayed and the user can adjust travel time. Available values are: 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 1 hour and 30 minutes, 2, 3, 4 and 8 hours. None
Suggest activity by location When enabled, displays the number of activities that are assigned in the same location for a mobile worker. This information is displayed above the Start button on the Resource Info page. The distance within which a location falls is determined by the Resource is considered to be at the activity location if the distance to it is less than X meters setting in the SmartLocation/GPS section on the Business Rules page.
Resource Management
Allow changes in working calendar When enabled, the user can modify the working calendar of the resource. None
Allow to move resources between Organization Units When enabled, the user can move the resources to different organizations in the resource tree. None

Screen Configuration Tab

This table describes the fields available on the Screen Configuration tab:
Setting Description Notes
Application screens Includes the contexts used in the Core Application. None
Collaboration and Identifiers Includes the contexts used in Collaboration and the entity identifier contexts. None
Plugin API Includes the plug-ins used with activity, inventory, and resource properties. This context layout is deprecated with release 19A. Use the Forms & Plugins page to configure new plug-ins and migrate the existing plug-ins. When you finish migrating all the plug-ins, the Plugin API section will be removed. None

Restrictions and Filters Tab

these table describes the fields available on the Restrictions and Filters tab:
Setting Description Notes
Hide all activities Determines if the users will or will not be able to access any activities in the system after a certain time. When enabled, the administrator also has to set the time after which the activities are to be hidden. None
Hide activity fields Determines if the users will or will not be able to access certain activity fields after a certain time. The fields to be hidden are defined in the Field restrictions context accessible by clicking the Activity fields link. When enabled, the administrator also has to set the time after which the activity fields are to be hidden. None
Filters restricting visible activities Defines whether the users of the current type will be able to view the entire routes or only some activities. Setting the visibility restrictions requires proper configuration of the applicable filters. None