Where can you use a Form

You can open Forms from these pages:
  • Activity details and Inventory details: You can open Forms from the links in the action bar and buttons inside the content.

  • Activity list, Inventory list, Forms history, User options, Print route: You can call Forms from the links in the action bar.

  • Dispatch console: You can open Forms from the links on the activity hint.

  • Pages containing resource tree: You can call Forms from the links on the resource hint.

  • Time view, List view: You can add Forms to the action menu.

You cannot access Forms from activities that are part of a series of mass/repeating activities. When you start such an activity it becomes a regular activity and then you can access the associated Forms.

Forms relate to the entities from which they are opened and submitted. In other words, if a Form is submitted in the context of an activity, then it remains connected to the activity. Users can view Form submission results from this specific activity. The same idea applies to inventory and resources contexts.
Note: You cannot add buttons to context layout structures that are responsible for changing the state of an activity, simultaneously with submitting data. Some of the context layout structures where you cannot add buttons are Add activity, Not done activity, Install inventory, and End activity. Further, you cannot remove or change the visibility of the two predefined buttons on these pages: Dismiss and Submit. This is to preserve the data integrity within transitions between states.