Use Notification Channels to Send Tracking Details

You can use notification channels to send the Where is Technician tracking details in Oracle Field Service. You can send the tracking details through emails that are generated using Message Scenarios, through email and SMS through gateway services, and through custom delivery channels. The custom delivery channels can be email or web-services that accept SOAP API requests.

  1. To use the email notification channel with Message Scenarios:
    1. Click Configuration > Message Scenarios.
    2. Create or modify a message step.
    3. On the Settings tab, select Email for Delivery Channel.
    4. Select Customer for Recipient.
    5. Click Patterns and go to the Body section.
    6. Add the placeholder {{WMT_URL: theme_label}} (with double braces) at the point where you want to add the link.
      If you have created a separate theme to enable the Cancel option, remember to use it when required.
    7. If you are using a theme created for the Cancel option, then add a blocking condition for Activity Type [aworktype] in the Blocking Conditions tab.
      This excludes the required types of activities.
    8. Continue with creating or modifying the step.
    9. Click Save. When the Message Scenario is launched, the email is sent to the user.
  2. To send an SMS using a third-party gateway service through Oracle Integration Cloud:
    1. Define a custom property (for example, X_WMT_MESSAGE) to store the tracking URL.
    2. Configure Oracle Integration Cloud to read the custom property for tracking URL and the customer’s phone property. Configure it to send messages using third-party tools, such as, Twilio OIC Adapter or Oracle Cloud Integration.
    3. Click Configuration > Message Scenarios.
    4. Create or modify a message step.
    5. On the Settings tab, select Set Property for Delivery Channel.
    6. Select Customer for Recipient.
    7. Click Patterns and go to the Body section.
    8. Specify the property label (for example, X_WMT_MESSAGE) in the Subject section.
    9. Click Save. When the Message Scenario is launched, the SMS is sent to the phone number.