Message Scenario List Warning Messages

If a message scenario is configured improperly, a warning related to that scenario will appear in the list of message scenarios.

Message Scenario Warning Messages

Message Description
No launch conditions

Appears when no launch condition has been defined for the scenario. New scenarios do not yet have launch conditions, nor do scenarios that have had their launch condition removed or assigned to another scenario. No message will be generated or sent for message scenarios that do not have launch conditions.

Correct this error by adding a launch condition.

There is no start step in scenario

Appears when the scenario has no steps or when all the steps are defined as inner steps. Since there is no starting point, the scenario cannot be executed.

Correct this error by adding a start step or designating one of the inner steps to be the start step.

Endless loop

Appears when the steps create a loop, potentially causing an endless loop situation.

Correct this error by modifying the step sequence as needed to prevent a loop.