Create a Message Scenario

You must first create a message scenario before you can define the launch condition, scenario steps, message, and delivery channel..

  1. Click Configuration.
  2. Click Message Scenarios under Subsystems and Integrations.
    The Message Scenarios screen opens.
  3. Click the + icon in the left panel.
    The Add Message Scenario dialog box opens.
  4. Type the name users will see on the Message Scenarios screen in the Name field.
  5. Type a unique identifier for the message scenario in the Label field.
  6. Type the date the scenario becomes active in the Start Date field or click the calendar icon and select a date.
  7. To set an end date at which the scenario becomes inactive, select the End Datecheck box and type or select a date in the field.
    Note: If you do not select the End Date check box, the scenario will run indefinitely.
  8. Click OK.


The Add Message Scenario window closes and the message scenario you created appears in the list of scenarios on the left of the Message Scenarios screen. The scenario will display an error message in the scenario list because you have not yet defined a launch condition for it.

What to do next

Now you can configure the message scenario.