Configure the Settings Tab

Use the fields on the Settings tab to define the general information about a scenario step for a message scenario, including the recipient, delivery channel, and other message delivery parameters.

Fields in the Settings tab

Field Name Description Possible Values
Name The name of the step Name of the steps to a maximum of 64 characters.
Type The type of step Start, Inner

An inner step is triggered by the results from the start step or a previous inner step. An inner step may or may not be performed depending on the result of the start step. Here's an example of an inner step: let's say you've configured a step to notify a customer by email. You can configure an inner step to notify the mobile worker, if notifying the customer through email fails.

Recipient The person or entity receiving the message. Customer, Dispatcher, Resource, Use Static Address
Note: When you select Customer, Resource, or Dispatcher, the recipient’s address is obtained from the activity or resource fields. However, if you select Use Static Address, you must enter a static email address using the notify@example.comformat. You can enter multiple email addresses, separating each by a comma or semicolon.
Recipients (Add new) Visible only if you select Use static address in the Recipient field. Click Add new and select the email address of a helpdesk. These options are displayed:
  • Deliver to helpdesk: The message is broadcast to the helpdesk; it's available in the helpdesk as a system message. Any operator in the helpdesk can take this chat and it will be moved to the operator's active chat list where they can act on it. Other operators will not see the message in the helpdesk queue, but they can view this message from the chats in progress menu to know who's working on this message.
  • Deliver to helpdesk operators: The message is delivered to all the operators within the helpdesk.
Resources or helpdesks
Delivery Channel The method used to send the message
Note: The methods used are company-specific and correspond to the list of delivery channels configured for the company.

Email, Set Property (used to set new property value for entities), Collaboration

Sending time

The time when the message is to be sent

Note: The messages with Day of route option for non-scheduled activities get the status falsemethod (ACTIVITY_IS_NONSCHEDULED) as the route date isn't defined.
Select one of following options:
  • Day of event

  • Time of event

  • Day of route

For example, if you select Day of event, select +, and enter 2 in the Days field, then the messages are sent after two days from the Day of event.


The time when the scenario step can start

Note: This option isn't applicable when Sending time is time of event.

00:00 – 23:59 or 12:00AM – 11:59PM, depending on the time format settings

Sending will time out in The end of the time range during which the message can be delivered, measured in hours and minutes from the sending time 00:01 – 99:59
Sending delay Time period in minutes between message creation and message sending 0 – 999
Block messages for specific days

The days of the week on which proactive customer messages should not be sent

Sun – Sat. When a day is selected, messages will not be sent on that day.

Block messages for holidays Whether proactive customer messages can be sent on company holidays.
Note: The list of holidays can be configured in Company Settings > Holidays.
When the check box is selected, messages will not be sent on company holidays.
Blocked messages sending

The number of days to shift proactive customer messages back in the calendar if messages are assigned for a day of the week for which a block is set or if they're assigned to fall on a company holiday when holidays are blocked.

Note: If a message can't be sent because it falls on a non-working day or a holiday and can't be shifted to a working day, it will be blocked with the falsemethod status and the NONWORKING_DAY description.
0 – 10, when 0 means that the messages will be blocked, because there's no shift of days defined.
Number of attempts on ‘failed’ status

Interval is the maximum number of tries (including the initial one) to resend a message if it's returned with a Failed notification status. The minutes field defines the number of minutes between tries to resend the message.

This functionality is available for all messages except Set property and External launch condition. The Failed tries are ignored if:

  • Scenario processing has been stopped. (See the Scenarios in which messages are removed section later in this topic.)

  • The next try can't be scheduled before the message expires.

  • Further tries are pointless, for example, if the email address is invalid.

Note: An agent can also stop further Failed tries or change their number using the fault_attempt and stop_further_attempts fields in a send_message response or a set_message_status request.
1 – 999 for both the number of tries and the minutes between tries.
Number of attempts on ‘sent’status

Interval is the maximum number of tries (including the initial one) to resend a message if it's returned with a Sent notification status. The minutes field defines the number of minutes between tries to resend the message.

This functionality is available only for External system messages. The Sent tries are ignored if:

  • Scenario processing has been stopped. (See the Scenarios in which messages are removed section later in this topic.)

  • The next tries can't be scheduled before the message expires.

1 – 999 for both the number of tries and the minutes between tries.
Customer notification time
The time range to be communicated to the customer. If the final status for the message is Sent or Delivered, the Customer notification time is stored in the time delivered start/end activity fields.
Note: This option is available only when the recipient is Customer.
Service Window, Delivery Window, ETA.
Reply address The email address (for example, for sending notifications when you select Email as the Delivery channel and Customer, Dispatcher, or Resource as the Recipient.

If you've registered a custom domain or subdomain in Oracle Cloud Console, add the address with the custom domain (for example, For more information on how to register a domain, see the Using Cloud Console guide.

If you leave this field blank or enter an incorrect ID, Oracle Field Service uses the default reply address from Oracle ( This address has the proper SPF and DKIM settings set up for the domain. However, if you use a custom reply address, the best practice is to enable SPF and DKIM on your email server's DNS. For more information on how to enable SPF and DKIM, see the 'Configure SPF' topic in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation and the Register your Domain to Enable DKIM topic in the Cloud Console guide.

Any valid email address.
Email address source

The field containing the email address to be used in the 'Email' notification method

Not applicable for the 'use static address' recipient

Any field to be selected from the drop-down list of the email address sources available in the system. You can enter multiple email addresses, separating each by a comma or semicolon.

Scenarios in which messages are removed

There are several actions in the system which, under certain conditions, might remove the existing messages, if the messages haven't yet been sent.

Activity Start action

Event/Action Description
Removed Messages Reminder, Change, Day before
Status obsolete

Activity Cancelation action

Event/Action Description
Removed Messages All
Status obsolete

Activity Notdone action

Event/Action Description
Removed Messages All
Status obsolete

Deletion of a Pending Activity action

Event/Action Description
Removed Messages All
Status obsolete

Activity Suspend action

Event/Action Description
Removed Messages All except SLA Warning
Status obsolete

Activity Reschedule action

Event/Action Description
Removed Messages All except SLA Warning
Status obsolete

Activity Move action

Event/Action Description
Removed Messages Reminder, Change, Not started, Service window warning, Call ahead, Add
Status obsolete

Convert an activity to not ordered

Event/Action Description
Removed Messages Reminder, Change
Status obsolete

Reminder message creation action

Event/Action Description
Removed Messages Customer messages: Recipient = Customer
Status obsolete
Notes The Reminder launch condition isn't invoked if the existing customer messages can't be dropped using the drop_message call (if required).

Change message creation action

Event/Action Description
Removed Messages Customer messages: Recipient = Customer
Status obsolete
Notes The Change launch condition isn't invoked if an incomplete Reminder exists, or if the existing customer messages can't be dropped using the drop_message call (if required).

Cancel visit action

Event/Action Description
Removed Messages All (visit related)
Status obsolete

Delete visit action

Event/Action Description
Removed Messages All (visit related)
Status obsolete

Start visit action

Event/Action Description
Removed Messages Visit reminder, Visit change #, Visit day before
Status obsolete

Applying new visit formulas action

Event/Action Description
Removed Messages All (visit related)
Status obsolete
Notes The messages are only removed if the visit is removed as the result of applying formula changes.

Block/Shift messages action

Event/Action Description
Removed Messages N/A
Status false
Method Description NONWORKING_DAY
Notes This removal is performed if message sending of isn't allowed for a non-working day (or a holiday) and such message can't be shifted to an appropriate working day.