Visit-Related Launch Conditions

The system can generate messages related to groups of activities called visits.

The following group of condition-driven launch conditions is intended to be used for PCC messages to prevent the same notifications sent to the same customer on different activities within the same visit.

  • Visit Day Before – similar to the activity Day before launch condition but is applied to a visit. The only difference is that the message is created with a 5-minute delay after the visit creation to let the system accept other activities that compose the visit. The delay is also useful to prevent generation of messages for temporary visits, which may be created when visit activities are moved between resources one by one.

  • Visit Reminder – similar to the activity Reminder launch condition, but is applied to a visit. This launch condition is intended to generate a reminder message to a customer which is to be sent a fixed time prior to a visit. It can be invoked only for pending visits and only once for the same visit. In addition, the first customer-related activity in the visit must be an ordered activity in an activated route for the current working day. The Visit reminder message is generated within the time period from [Visit Reminder Time + Reminder Time Adjust] to [Visit Reminder Time – Visit Reminder Silent Interval] before the Notification base.


Notification base – ETA/delivery window start/service window start from the first customer-related activity in the visit. A certain field selection is configured in the Notification Triggers screen using the Visit reminder and change notifications selector.

Visit Reminder Time is the time before the Notification base to send the reminder. As opposed to the regular launch conditions, this parameter is defined on the company level.

Reminder Time Adjust is the system predefined reminder time shift to be used to eliminate the messages processing delay.

For example: if Reminder Time Adjust = 3 minutes and Visit Reminder Time = 60 minutes, the reminder will be generated 63 minutes prior to the Notification base.

The value of (Visit Reminder Time – Visit Reminder Silent Interval) defines the minimal time before the Notification base to generate the reminder.

  • Visit change 1...Visit change 5 – similar to the activity Change launch conditions, but applied to a visit. There are up to five Visit change launch conditions which can be used to send a message if the visit delivery time has changed.

The Visit change launch condition can be invoked only for pending visits. In addition, thefirst customer-related activity in the visit must be an ordered activity in an activated route for the current working day.

The Visit change message is initiated when the current time is within the time interval of a specific Visit change launch condition, and the difference between the current value of the Notification base and the time previously reported to the customer is equal or higher than the threshold.

The time intervals of different Visit change launch conditions should be configured in a way that they do not overlap.

The Visit change launch condition is not invoked if:

  • Visit reminder is not sent and the current time is within the Visit Reminder Silent Interval

  • Incomplete Visit reminder exists

  • Visit change message has already been sent and the last Visit change message was sent by the same visit change launch condition

Before generating messages, the Visit reminder and Visit change launch conditions try to cancel all existing customer messages (if any). They use the drop_message SOAP function to cancel messages that are in the Sending status. If the corresponding agent is not accessible, or it returns a result indicating that the message is under processing and cannot be dropped, the generation of the Visit reminder and Visit change messages is stopped and will repeat during the next cycle.

  • Visit cancel – initiated when the last of the activities in a visit is canceled (none are pending, completed, or not done). This launch condition can be invoked several times for the same visit when new activities are added to an existing canceled visit.
  • Visit complete – initiated when the last pending activity in a visit gets a final status, and at least one activity is completed or notdone. This launch condition initiates the PAS scenario and is invoked only once, when the visit becomes completed or notdone for the first time.

Visit launch conditions are designed to be used mostly for customer interactions reducing the number of day before calls, reminders, change messages and PAS messages to the same customer.

Note: For more information, see the Add a launch condition for a message scenario section.