Configuration Tasks for the Approvals Process

Two configuration tasks are provided for the Approvals process that automatically correct any invalid Approval Unit information in the application. The tasks are available for applications with or without Enhanced Organization by Period enabled.

Approvals configuration tasks include:

  • Auto Correct Approval Units

  • Auto Correct Application Settings for Approvals

Auto Correct Approval Units

The Auto Correct Approval Units configuration task enables you to automatically correct invalid approval unit information for all applicable Scenarios, Years and Periods.

This task also enables you to automatically correct the owner and level in the promotional path for applicable approval units. If you enounter any errors during the approval process such as invalid owner or level, it is recommended that you run this configuration task. After you run the task, the Jobs console Details page displays the approval unit information with a log of any levels or owners that were corrected.

The invalid owner and promotional path level check is also included as part of the Recommendations process for Approval Units. The system will scan the application for all approval units that have started the approval process to ensure that current owner and level information is valid for the approval unit. Note that this process may take a long time to scan if there are many approval units that have already started the process, particularly if you are using phased approvals. To run application recommendations, see Viewing Application Recommendations.

To run the configuration task, you must be a Service Administrator.

To automatically correct Approval Units:

  1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Configuration.

  2. Click Auto Correct Approval Units.

    The Auto correction of owner and location option is selected by default.

  3. From the Auto Correct Approval Units screen, click Launch.

  4. The task is launched as a job and can take a long time based on the amount of data. You can view the status in the Jobs console.

Auto Correct Application Settings for Approvals

The Auto Correct Application Settings for Approvals task enables you to automatically correct application settings required for approvals. This task also enables you to automatically enable Scenario, Year, and Period dimensions for approvals.

To run the configuration task, you must be a Service Administrator.

During the Approvals process, you may encounter the following types of errors based on application settings for dimensions.

  • Scenarios not enabled for approval

    To use the Approvals process, the PMScenarioEnabled application setting must be set to True.

  • Year members not enabled for approval

    To use the Approvals process, the application setting for members in the Year dimension must be set with Process Mgmt = True.

  • Version dimension enabled for approval

    To use the Approvals process, ensure that the PMVersionEnabled application setting is set to False, since Version is not a valid dimension.

The application settings check is also included as part of the Recommendations process for Approval Units. To run application recommendations, see Viewing Application Recommendations.

To automatically correct application settings for approvals:

  1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Configuration.

  2. Click Auto Correct Application Settings for Approvals.

    The Perform auto enablement of Scenario, Year, Period dimensions for approvals option is selected by default.

  3. From the Auto Correct Application Settings for Approvals screen, click Launch.

  4. The task is launched as a job and can take a long time based on the amount of data. You can view the status in the Jobs console.