Specifying Alert Type Instructions

You can specify instructions in an alert type to help users understand what they need to do for the alert. You can add additional references from File and URL attachments.

To specify instructions for an alert type:

  1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
  2. Click the Alert Types tabAlert Types tab on the left.
  3. From the New or Edit dialog, select the Instructions tab.

  4. In Instructions, enter instruction text for the alert type.

To add a reference:

  1. In the References section, click Attach a file or Attach a link.

    • Attach a file

      Click Choose File to select and attach the file. For Name, enter a name or use the filename. Click OK.

    • Attach a link

      Enter the URL, then enter a Name for the URL; for example: https://www.oracle.com, Oracle. Click OK.

  2. Click an Alert Type tab and continue entering information.

    When you are done entering the alert type information, click Save and Close.