Creating Custom Process Automation Integrations

In Task Manager, you can create custom process automation integrations with external applications. In a Process Automation integration, a task is automatically executed in an external application when its start date and time are reached, and when any predecessor tasks are completed, for example, an overnight feed from a General Ledger.

When you create a Process Automation task, if you have set up email notifications, the task Owner automatically receives an email notification when the task starts or is completed. The Assignee that is specified when you set up a workflow receive an action notification when there is a change in the task status and an action needs to be performed, such as an approval, and the Owner receives a notification when the approval is completed.

Make sure you have the prerequisites and follow these steps to set up an integration between Task Manager and an external application.

For an overview of the custom integrations flow, see Creating Custom Integrations.


To integrate Task Manager with an external application, you need:
  • A subscription to Oracle Integration Cloud Service, to integrate with on-premises and non-EPM Cloud services.


    You need one Integration Cloud instance per Oracle EPM cloud instance.
  • The external application set up.
  1. Subscribe to Oracle Integration Cloud/Oracle Autonomous Integration Cloud. See Integration Cloud Service Documentation for detailed information.
  2. Install Integration Cloud Agent in your application environment to communicate with your Oracle EPM cloud instance. For details on setting up Integration Cloud Agent, see Managing Agent Groups.


    If the on-premises application services are deployed in an environment set up in a demilitarized zone (DMZ) configuration so that these services are publicly accessible through the Internet, you do not need to install Integration Cloud Agent.

Creating a Connection in Task Manager

  1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Task Manager.

  2. Click the Integrations tab Integrations tab on the left, and then click Manage Connections icon Manage Connections.

  3. Click New iconNew.

  4. For Connection enter a name for the connection.

  5. Select Enabled to enable the connection.

  6. Select Cloud if the external application is a Cloud service.

  7. Click OK to save the connection.

Setting Up the Integration in Task Manager

  1. On the Home page, click Applications, and then click Task Manager.

  2. Click the Integrations tab Integrations tab on the left, and then click New iconNew.

  3. On the Properties tab, specify the required information:

    1. For Name, enter a name for the Integration.

    2. For Code, enter an Integration Code for the integration task.

      The code is used to execute the Integration and to map updates to an Integration from a file import.

    3. Optional: In Description, enter a description for the integration task.

    4. For Connection, select an application to which the task belongs.

      You can maintain the list of applications from the Manage Connections icon in the Manage Connections dialog box.

    5. For Execution Type, select Process Automation.

  4. On the Parameters tab, click New iconNew and then specify the required information:

    1. For Name, enter a name for the parameter.

    2. For Parameter Code, enter a parameter code.

    3. Optional: Enter a parameter Tooltip.

    4. From the Parameter Type list, select a type, and enter additional information for the parameter:

      • Checkbox: Boolean value

      • Date: Date value

      • Integer: Numeric value in whole numbers

      • Number: Numeric value in whole numbers or fractions

      • Options Group: Check box for a predefined set of values

      • Static List: Predefined set of text values

      • Task Information: Task information, for example, Assignee, duration, start and end dates

      • Text: Free-form text value.

      • EPM Artifact: Name of the artifact, such as the form or report.
    5. If the parameter requires a value, select Required.

    6. Click OK to save the parameter.

    7. Click Save and Close to save the Integration.

Creating a Task Type for the Integration

  1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.

  2. Click the Task Types tab Task Types tab on the left.

  3. Click New iconNew.

  4. On the Properties tab, specify a Task Type Name and Task Type ID.

  5. For Integration, click Search, select the Integration, and then click OK.

  6. On the Parameters tab, set the Task Type parameters.

Setting Up the Integration Cloud Connection in Task Manager

Task Manager uses Oracle Integration Cloud for all the integrations to external applications. You can setup a connection to Oracle Integration Cloud in Task Manager using Basic or OAuth 2.0 authentication.


  • For Oracle Integration Cloud Generation 2, both Basic Auth and OAuth 2.0 is supported.
  • For Oracle Integration Cloud Generation 3, only OAuth 2.0 is supported.
  • Basic Auth user must have the Service Administrator role for Oracle Integration Cloud.
  • For OAuth 2.0, only client credentials are supported. OAuth 2.0 client application must have Service Administrator role for Integration Cloud and allowed scope should be all.

Before setting up the OAuth 2.0 connection, make sure you've the client credentials such as access token URL, client ID, client secret, and scope. For setting up the OAuth client application, see OAuth Authentication in Oracle Integration in Oracle Integration Cloud Generation 3 documentation.

To setup the Integration Cloud connection in Task Manager:

  1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.

  2. Click the Integrations tab Integrations tab on the left.

  3. Click Manage Connections icon Manage Connections, and then from Actions, select Integration Cloud Connection.
  4. Select one of the following authentication mechanisms:
    • Basic Auth: Specify the Integration Cloud URL, service administrator user ID, and password.
    • OAuth 2.0: Provide the Integration Cloud URL, access token URL, client ID, client secret, and scope.


    • For Gen 2, enter the URL: https://<SERVICE_NAME>-<TENANT_NAME>
    • For Gen 3, enter the URL: https://<SERVICE_INSTANCE>.integration.<REGION> To find your service instance, log into Integration Cloud and open the About window.
  5. Click Validate. After validation is successful, click Save. This saves the server and credentials of the connection.

Creating a Connection and Integration in Integration Cloud

  1. Log in to Integration Cloud.

  2. Create a connection using Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud adapter to your EPM server. Refer to this link for more details: Create a Connection to Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.

  3. Create one or more connections to the other application as needed.

  4. Create Process Automation Integration using the connections created and activate it. Refer to this example: Using the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Adapter with Oracle Integration.

Completing the Integration Setup in Task Manager

Use these steps to complete the Integration setup in Task Manager.

  1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.

  2. Click the Integrations tab Integrations tab on the left and verify that the new Integration is displayed on the Integrations list.

  3. In Task Manager, select Schedules tabSchedules, and create a new Schedule in Pending state. See Manually Creating Schedules.

  4. Create the process automation task and add it to the schedule. See Creating Tasks.

  5. From Schedules, select and open the schedule.