Specifying Task Instructions

Task owners can create a set of instructions for completing the task. All other users who have access to the task are only able to read the instructions. If there are task instructions that are inherited from the Task Type, template, or schedule, that instruction text is displayed above the instruction text box and is read-only.

For template tasks, the Template and Task Types instructions are viewable but not editable.

To specify instructions:

  1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Task Manager.
  2. Click the Templates tab on the left, and then click the Tasks tab.


    The Tasks tab is displayed at the bottom of the page.
  3. From the New Task or Edit Task dialog box, click Instructions.

  4. Enter the Instructions which can have unlimited characters.

To add a reference:

  1. In the References section, click Add.

  2. From the Reference Type list, select one of these types:

    • Local File: Click Choose File to select and attach the file, enter a Name, and then click OK.

    • URL: Enter the URL and URL Name; for example, http://www.oracle.com, Oracle.


    To add a reference file or URL to multiple tasks at one time:

    1. Navigate to the Tasks page.

    2. You can multi-select (either highlight more than one row or select more than one using the SHIFT key), and then click Actions, then Add Reference, then File or URL.


    You can also add one or more attachments by using drag and drop functionality available from the Add Attachments dialog box. You can rename the attachment in the Name field, if desired. If you drag and drop multiple attachments, you can upload them at one time.

    You must access the Add Attachments dialog box to properly drag and drop attachments.
  3. See also: